Emergent Mind

Language-Independent Representations Improve Zero-Shot Summarization

Published Apr 8, 2024 in cs.CL and cs.AI


Finetuning pretrained models on downstream generation tasks often leads to catastrophic forgetting in zero-shot conditions. In this work, we focus on summarization and tackle the problem through the lens of language-independent representations. After training on monolingual summarization, we perform zero-shot transfer to new languages or language pairs. We first show naively finetuned models are highly language-specific in both output behavior and internal representations, resulting in poor zero-shot performance. Next, we propose query-key (QK) finetuning to decouple task-specific knowledge from the pretrained language generation abilities. Then, after showing downsides of the standard adversarial language classifier, we propose a balanced variant that more directly enforces language-agnostic representations. Moreover, our qualitative analyses show removing source language identity correlates to zero-shot summarization performance. Our code is openly available.

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