Emergent Mind

Residual Chain Prediction for Autonomous Driving Path Planning

Published Apr 8, 2024 in cs.RO and cs.AI


In the rapidly evolving field of autonomous driving systems, the refinement of path planning algorithms is paramount for navigating vehicles through dynamic environments, particularly in complex urban scenarios. Traditional path planning algorithms, which are heavily reliant on static rules and manually defined parameters, often fall short in such contexts, highlighting the need for more adaptive, learning-based approaches. Among these, behavior cloning emerges as a noteworthy strategy for its simplicity and efficiency, especially within the realm of end-to-end path planning. However, behavior cloning faces challenges, such as covariate shift when employing traditional Manhattan distance as the metric. Addressing this, our study introduces the novel concept of Residual Chain Loss. Residual Chain Loss dynamically adjusts the loss calculation process to enhance the temporal dependency and accuracy of predicted path points, significantly improving the model's performance without additional computational overhead. Through testing on the nuScenes dataset, we underscore the method's substantial advancements in addressing covariate shift, facilitating dynamic loss adjustments, and ensuring seamless integration with end-to-end path planning frameworks. Our findings highlight the potential of Residual Chain Loss to revolutionize planning component of autonomous driving systems, marking a significant step forward in the quest for level 5 autonomous driving system.

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