Emergent Mind


The body structures of tendon-driven musculoskeletal humanoids are complex, and accurate modeling is difficult, because they are made by imitating the body structures of human beings. For this reason, we have not been able to move them accurately like ordinary humanoids driven by actuators in each axis, and large internal muscle tension and slack of tendon wires have emerged by the model error between its geometric model and the actual robot. Therefore, we construct a joint-muscle mapping (JMM) using a neural network (NN), which expresses a nonlinear relationship between joint angles and muscle lengths, and aim to move tendon-driven musculoskeletal humanoids accurately by updating the JMM online from data of the actual robot. In this study, the JMM is updated online by using the vision of the robot so that it moves to the correct position (Vision Updater). Also, we execute another update to modify muscle antagonisms correctly (Antagonism Updater). By using these two updaters, the error between the target and actual joint angles decrease to about 40% in 5 minutes, and we show through a manipulation experiment that the tendon-driven musculoskeletal humanoid Kengoro becomes able to move as intended. This novel system can adapt to the state change and growth of robots, because it updates the JMM online successively.

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