Emergent Mind

Efficient Gradient Estimation of Variational Quantum Circuits with Lie Algebraic Symmetries

Published Apr 7, 2024 in quant-ph , cs.IT , cs.LG , and math.IT


Hybrid quantum-classical optimization and learning strategies are among the most promising approaches to harnessing quantum information or gaining a quantum advantage over classical methods. However, efficient estimation of the gradient of the objective function in such models remains a challenge due to several factors including the exponential dimensionality of the Hilbert spaces, and information loss of quantum measurements. In this work, we study generic parameterized circuits in the context of variational methods. We develop a framework for gradient estimation that exploits the algebraic symmetries of Hamiltonian characterized through Lie algebra or group theory. Particularly, we prove that when the dimension of the dynamical Lie algebra is polynomial in the number of qubits, one can estimate the gradient with polynomial classical and quantum resources. This is done by a series of Hadamard tests applied to the output of the ansatz with no change to its circuit. We show that this approach can be equipped with classical shadow tomography to further reduce the measurement shot complexity to scale logarithmically with the number of parameters.

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