Emergent Mind


In the realm of medical 3D data, such as CT and MRI images, prevalent anisotropic resolution is characterized by high intra-slice but diminished inter-slice resolution. The lowered resolution between adjacent slices poses challenges, hindering optimal viewing experiences and impeding the development of robust downstream analysis algorithms. Various volumetric super-resolution algorithms aim to surmount these challenges, enhancing inter-slice resolution and overall 3D medical imaging quality. However, existing approaches confront inherent challenges: 1) often tailored to specific upsampling factors, lacking flexibility for diverse clinical scenarios; 2) newly generated slices frequently suffer from over-smoothing, degrading fine details, and leading to inter-slice inconsistency. In response, this study presents CycleINR, a novel enhanced Implicit Neural Representation model for 3D medical data volumetric super-resolution. Leveraging the continuity of the learned implicit function, the CycleINR model can achieve results with arbitrary up-sampling rates, eliminating the need for separate training. Additionally, we enhance the grid sampling in CycleINR with a local attention mechanism and mitigate over-smoothing by integrating cycle-consistent loss. We introduce a new metric, Slice-wise Noise Level Inconsistency (SNLI), to quantitatively assess inter-slice noise level inconsistency. The effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated through image quality evaluations on an in-house dataset and a downstream task analysis on the Medical Segmentation Decathlon liver tumor dataset.

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