Emergent Mind

Implicit Bias of AdamW: $\ell_\infty$ Norm Constrained Optimization

Published Apr 5, 2024 in cs.LG , math.OC , and stat.ML


Adam with decoupled weight decay, also known as AdamW, is widely acclaimed for its superior performance in language modeling tasks, surpassing Adam with $\ell2$ regularization in terms of generalization and optimization. However, this advantage is not theoretically well-understood. One challenge here is that though intuitively Adam with $\ell2$ regularization optimizes the $\ell2$ regularized loss, it is not clear if AdamW optimizes a specific objective. In this work, we make progress toward understanding the benefit of AdamW by showing that it implicitly performs constrained optimization. More concretely, we show in the full-batch setting, if AdamW converges with any non-increasing learning rate schedule whose partial sum diverges, it must converge to a KKT point of the original loss under the constraint that the $\ell\infty$ norm of the parameter is bounded by the inverse of the weight decay factor. This result is built on the observation that Adam can be viewed as a smoothed version of SignGD, which is the normalized steepest descent with respect to $\ell_\infty$ norm, and a surprising connection between normalized steepest descent with weight decay and Frank-Wolfe.

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