Emergent Mind

Increased LLM Vulnerabilities from Fine-tuning and Quantization

Published Apr 5, 2024 in cs.CR and cs.AI


LLMs have become very popular and have found use cases in many domains, such as chatbots, auto-task completion agents, and much more. However, LLMs are vulnerable to different types of attacks, such as jailbreaking, prompt injection attacks, and privacy leakage attacks. Foundational LLMs undergo adversarial and alignment training to learn not to generate malicious and toxic content. For specialized use cases, these foundational LLMs are subjected to fine-tuning or quantization for better performance and efficiency. We examine the impact of downstream tasks such as fine-tuning and quantization on LLM vulnerability. We test foundation models like Mistral, Llama, MosaicML, and their fine-tuned versions. Our research shows that fine-tuning and quantization reduces jailbreak resistance significantly, leading to increased LLM vulnerabilities. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of external guardrails in reducing LLM vulnerabilities.

GPT-3.5 executes hidden command in text, ignoring initial summarization instruction due to adversarial attack.


  • This study explores the vulnerabilities of fine-tuned and quantized LLMs to adversarial attacks, particularly focusing on the impact of these modifications on the models' security.

  • Utilizing the Tree-of-attacks pruning (TAP) algorithm and an adversarial subset known as AdvBench, the research evaluates LLMs' resilience against harmful prompts in a black-box setup.

  • Findings indicate that fine-tuning and quantization significantly increase LLMs' susceptibility to adversarial attacks, undermining the initial safety alignments and reducing numerical precision respectively.

  • The introduction of external guardrails has been observed to significantly reduce successful attacks, highlighting their importance in maintaining LLM security despite the vulnerabilities introduced by fine-tuning and quantization.

Exploring the Vulnerability of Fine-Tuned and Quantized LLMs to Adversarial Attacks

Introduction to LLM Security Challenges

LLMs have substantially advanced, taking on roles that span from content generation to autonomous decision-making. However, this evolution has been matched with an escalation in security vulnerabilities, notably, adversarial attacks that can coax LLMs into generating malicious outputs. Previous efforts have aimed to align LLMs with human values via supervised fine-tuning and reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), complemented by guardrails to pre-empt toxic outputs. Despite these measures, adversarial strategies, including jailbreaking and prompt injection attacks, can subvert LLMs, leading to undesirable outcomes.

Problem Statement and Experimental Methodology

This study investigates how fine-tuning, quantization, and the implementation of guardrails affect the susceptibility of LLMs to adversarial attacks. Utilizing the Tree-of-attacks pruning (TAP) algorithm against a set of LLMs, including Mistral, Llama, and their derivatives across various downstream modifications, reveals the comparative ease with which these models can be compromised. A notable experimental process involves using an adversarial subset, AdvBench, aimed at evaluating the model's resilience against explicitly harmful prompts. The experimentation hinges on the TAP algorithm's ability to iteratively refine attack prompts in a black-box setup without human intervention, aiming to breach the model's defenses.

Impact of Fine-tuning and Quantization on LLM Security

The results underscore a pronounced vulnerability in fine-tuned models towards adversarial prompts, with a substantial increase in successful jailbreak instances compared to their foundational counterparts. Fine-tuning appears to diminish the model's resilience, presumably by eroding the initial safety alignments instilled during the foundational training phase. Similarly, quantization exacerbates the model's vulnerability, attributed to the reduction in numerical precision of model parameters, suggesting a trade-off between computational efficiency and security.

  • Fine-tuning: Comparative analysis reveals that fine-tuned models exhibit a heightened susceptibility to attacks, significantly more so than their pre-fine-tuning stages.
  • Quantization: Quantized versions of these models also demonstrate increased vulnerability, indicating the adverse effects of computational efficiency optimizations on model security.

The Protective Role of Guardrails

The experiment further assesses the efficacy of external guardrails in protecting LLMs from adversarial exploitation. Incorporating guardrails shows a marked reduction in successful jailbreak attempts, reinforcing the imperative of such defensive measures in safeguarding LLMs. This protective layer serves as a crucial counterbalance to the vulnerabilities introduced by fine-tuning and quantization, thereby presenting a viable pathway to enhancing LLM security in deployment.

Concluding Thoughts and Future Directions

The findings illuminate the intricate balance between enhancing LLM performance through fine-tuning and quantization, and the ensuing vulnerabilities these enhancements incur. The efficacy of external guardrails in mitigating such risks highlights the potential for further development in LLM defense mechanisms. As LLMs continue to permeate various aspects of digital interaction and decision-making, ensuring their robustness against adversarial manipulations remains a paramount challenge. Future research may pivot towards advanced guardrail mechanisms that can more adeptly discern and neutralize sophisticated adversarial attempts, thereby fortifying the trustworthiness and reliability of LLMs in real-world applications.

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