Emergent Mind

Estimating mixed memberships in multi-layer networks

Published Apr 5, 2024 in cs.SI and stat.ML


Community detection in multi-layer networks has emerged as a crucial area of modern network analysis. However, conventional approaches often assume that nodes belong exclusively to a single community, which fails to capture the complex structure of real-world networks where nodes may belong to multiple communities simultaneously. To address this limitation, we propose novel spectral methods to estimate the common mixed memberships in the multi-layer mixed membership stochastic block model. The proposed methods leverage the eigen-decomposition of three aggregate matrices: the sum of adjacency matrices, the debiased sum of squared adjacency matrices, and the sum of squared adjacency matrices. We establish rigorous theoretical guarantees for the consistency of our methods. Specifically, we derive per-node error rates under mild conditions on network sparsity, demonstrating their consistency as the number of nodes and/or layers increases under the multi-layer mixed membership stochastic block model. Our theoretical results reveal that the method leveraging the sum of adjacency matrices generally performs poorer than the other two methods for mixed membership estimation in multi-layer networks. We conduct extensive numerical experiments to empirically validate our theoretical findings. For real-world multi-layer networks with unknown community information, we introduce two novel modularity metrics to quantify the quality of mixed membership community detection. Finally, we demonstrate the practical applications of our algorithms and modularity metrics by applying them to real-world multi-layer networks, demonstrating their effectiveness in extracting meaningful community structures.

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