Emergent Mind

Under-Canopy Navigation using Aerial Lidar Maps

Published Apr 5, 2024 in cs.RO


Autonomous navigation in unstructured natural environments poses a significant challenge. In goal navigation tasks without prior information, the limited look-ahead of onboard sensors utilised by robots compromises path efficiency. We propose a novel approach that leverages an above-the-canopy aerial map for improved ground robot navigation. Our system utilises aerial lidar scans to create a 3D probabilistic occupancy map, uniquely incorporating the uncertainty in the aerial vehicle's trajectory for improved accuracy. Novel path planning cost functions are introduced, combining path length with obstruction risk estimated from the probabilistic map. The D-Star Lite algorithm then calculates an optimal (minimum-cost) path to the goal. This system also allows for dynamic replanning upon encountering unforeseen obstacles on the ground. Extensive experiments and ablation studies in simulated and real forests demonstrate the effectiveness of our system.

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