Emergent Mind

Lower bounds for graph reconstruction with maximal independent set queries

Published Apr 4, 2024 in cs.DS and math.CO


We investigate the number of maximal independent set queries required to reconstruct the edges of a hidden graph. We show that randomised adaptive algorithms need at least $\Omega(\Delta2 \log(n / \Delta) / \log \Delta)$ queries to reconstruct $n$-vertex graphs of maximum degree $\Delta$ with success probability at least $1/2$, and we further improve this lower bound to $\Omega(\Delta2 \log(n / \Delta))$ for randomised non-adaptive algorithms. We also prove that deterministic non-adaptive algorithms require at least $\Omega(\Delta3 \log n / \log \Delta)$ queries. This improves bounds of Konrad, O'Sullivan, and Traistaru, and answers one of their questions. The proof of the lower bound for deterministic non-adaptive algorithms relies on a connection to cover-free families, for which we also improve known bounds.

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