Emergent Mind

A Directional Diffusion Graph Transformer for Recommendation

Published Apr 4, 2024 in cs.IR


In real-world recommender systems, implicitly collected user feedback, while abundant, often includes noisy false-positive and false-negative interactions. The possible misinterpretations of the user-item interactions pose a significant challenge for traditional graph neural recommenders. These approaches aggregate the users' or items' neighbours based on implicit user-item interactions in order to accurately capture the users' profiles. To account for and model possible noise in the users' interactions in graph neural recommenders, we propose a novel Diffusion Graph Transformer (DiffGT) model for top-k recommendation. Our DiffGT model employs a diffusion process, which includes a forward phase for gradually introducing noise to implicit interactions, followed by a reverse process to iteratively refine the representations of the users' hidden preferences (i.e., a denoising process). In our proposed approach, given the inherent anisotropic structure observed in the user-item interaction graph, we specifically use anisotropic and directional Gaussian noises in the forward diffusion process. Our approach differs from the sole use of isotropic Gaussian noises in existing diffusion models. In the reverse diffusion process, to reverse the effect of noise added earlier and recover the true users' preferences, we integrate a graph transformer architecture with a linear attention module to denoise the noisy user/item embeddings in an effective and efficient manner. In addition, such a reverse diffusion process is further guided by personalised information (e.g., interacted items) to enable the accurate estimation of the users' preferences on items. Our extensive experiments conclusively demonstrate the superiority of our proposed graph diffusion model over ten existing state-of-the-art approaches across three benchmark datasets.

An illustration of the DiffGT architecture.


  • The DiffGT model introduces a novel diffusion process using directional noise to address noisy data in user-item interactions, enhancing recommender system accuracy.

  • It leverages a graph transformer architecture with a linear attention module in the reverse diffusion phase for efficient denoising of user/item embeddings.

  • Experiments show DiffGT's supremacy over ten state-of-the-art approaches across three benchmark datasets, attributed to the strategic use of directional noise and linear transformer architecture.

  • The model provides theoretical advancements and practical improvements in recommender systems, suggesting future research directions in AI-based recommendations.

A Novel Approach for Recommender Systems: The Diffusion Graph Transformer


Recommender systems are integral in navigating the vast amount of content available online, from movies and music to products and services. The Diffusion Graph Transformer (DiffGT) model, introduced by Zixuan Yi, Xi Wang, and Iadh Ounis, marks a significant advancement in the field of recommendation systems. Their work seeks to address the critical issue of noisy data in user-item interactions, a common challenge that hampers the ability of traditional graph neural recommenders to accurately capture user preferences.

The Diffusion Graph Transformer Model

Addressing Noisy Data Through Diffusion

Implicit interactions, such as clicks or views, are the cornerstone of collaborative filtering techniques in recommender systems. However, these interactions are often riddled with noise, falsely representing user preferences. DiffGT introduces an innovative diffusion process comprising a forward phase to gradually introduce noise to implicit interactions, followed by a reverse process that iteratively refines user hidden preferences through denoising. This approach deviates from the isotropic Gaussian noises used in existing models, adopting anisotropic and directional Gaussian noises that better represent the inherent structure of user-item interaction graphs.

Leveraging Directional Noise

The proposed model utilizes directional noise in its forward diffusion process, aligning with the observation that recommendation data often exhibit anisotropic structures. This strategic application of noise enhances the model's ability to retain item heterogeneity and accurately capture the nuances of user preferences through the diffusion process.

Transformer Architecture for Denoising

In the reverse diffusion phase, DiffGT employs a graph transformer architecture combined with a linear attention module. This design efficiently denoises the noisy user/item embeddings, leveraging personalized information to guide the denoising process accurately. The integration of a linear transformer demonstrates the model's ability to address the computational complexity typically associated with traditional transformer models in denoising tasks.

Underlying Mechanisms and Efficacy

The DiffGT model’s effectiveness is evident from extensive experiments that demonstrate its superiority over ten state-of-the-art approaches across three benchmark datasets. The model's success can be primarily attributed to the novel incorporation of directional noise and the adept use of a linear transformer in the diffusion process. These innovations allow for a nuanced understanding and processing of noisy data, enabling more accurate and user-tailored recommendations.

Theoretical and Practical Implications

The introduction of DiffGT offers both theoretical advancements and practical improvements in the realm of recommender systems. Theoretically, the model presents a novel application of diffusion processes paired with directional noise and transformer architecture in addressing data noise - a pervasive issue in collaborative filtering. Practically, DiffGT’s framework provides a scalable and efficient solution for enhancing recommendation accuracy in real-world systems, potentially improving user satisfaction and engagement.

Future Directions in AI and Recommender Systems

The DiffGT model opens new avenues for future research and development in AI-based recommender systems. Expanding the application of diffusion processes with directional noise beyond graph neural recommenders to other domains, such as sequential recommendation or knowledge graph-enhanced recommendation, presents a promising frontier. Additionally, exploring the integration of more diverse data types and leveraging advanced attention mechanisms could further refine and enhance the capabilities of recommender systems, pushing the boundaries of personalized content delivery.


The Diffusion Graph Transformer model signifies a pivotal step forward in the evolution of recommender systems. By effectively addressing the challenge of noisy user-item interactions through directional noise and a graph transformer architecture, DiffGT sets a new benchmark for accuracy and efficiency in recommendations. As we move forward, the principles and innovations introduced by this model are likely to influence the development of more advanced, accurate, and user-centric recommender systems across various digital platforms.

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