Emergent Mind


With the rapid advancements in Multimodal LLMs (MLLMs), securing these models against malicious inputs while aligning them with human values has emerged as a critical challenge. In this paper, we investigate an important and unexplored question of whether techniques that successfully jailbreak LLMs can be equally effective in jailbreaking MLLMs. To explore this issue, we introduce JailBreakV-28K, a pioneering benchmark designed to assess the transferability of LLM jailbreak techniques to MLLMs, thereby evaluating the robustness of MLLMs against diverse jailbreak attacks. Utilizing a dataset of 2, 000 malicious queries that is also proposed in this paper, we generate 20, 000 text-based jailbreak prompts using advanced jailbreak attacks on LLMs, alongside 8, 000 image-based jailbreak inputs from recent MLLMs jailbreak attacks, our comprehensive dataset includes 28, 000 test cases across a spectrum of adversarial scenarios. Our evaluation of 10 open-source MLLMs reveals a notably high Attack Success Rate (ASR) for attacks transferred from LLMs, highlighting a critical vulnerability in MLLMs that stems from their text-processing capabilities. Our findings underscore the urgent need for future research to address alignment vulnerabilities in MLLMs from both textual and visual inputs.

JailBreakV-28K encompasses diverse text and image-based jailbreak attack types.


  • Introduces JailBreakV-28K, a benchmark for assessing the robustness of Multimodal LLMs (MLLMs) against jailbreak attacks.

  • JailBreakV-28K includes 28,000 test cases combining text-based and image-based inputs to probe MLLMs' vulnerabilities.

  • Assessment of ten MLLMs with JailBreakV-28K showed a high Attack Success Rate (ASR), especially for text-based attacks, indicating significant vulnerabilities.

  • The research points towards the necessity of developing robust defense mechanisms against multimodal jailbreak attacks to ensure the safe deployment of MLLMs.

JailBreakV-28K: Evaluating Multimodal LLMs' Robustness to Jailbreak Attacks

Introduction to JailBreakV-28K

The rapid advancement of Multimodal LLMs (MLLMs) has necessitated an examination of these models' robustness against jailbreak attacks. This paper introduces JailBreakV-28K, a benchmark designed to assess the transferability of LLM jailbreak techniques to MLLMs. The benchmark encompasses a dataset of 28,000 test cases, comprising both text-based and image-based jailbreak inputs designed to probe the models' vulnerabilities. A notable aspect of this research is its focus on the potential for LLM jailbreak techniques to be effectively employed against MLLMs, highlighting a critical area of vulnerability stemming from the text-processing capabilities of these models.

Crafting the JailBreakV-28K Dataset

The creation of the JailBreakV-28K benchmark involved several steps, starting with the collation of a dataset dubbed RedTeam-2K, consisting of 2,000 malicious queries. This dataset served as the foundation for generating a wider array of jailbreak prompts. Subsequently, leveraging advanced jailbreak attacks on LLMs and recent image-based MLLMs jailbreak attacks, 20,000 text-based and 8,000 image-based jailbreak inputs were produced. This comprehensive benchmark not only evaluates models' robustness from a multimodal perspective but also significantly extends the scope and scale of safety assessments in MLLMs beyond existing benchmarks.

Insights from Evaluating MLLMs with JailBreakV-28K

The assessment of ten open-source MLLMs utilizing JailBreakV-28K revealed notable findings. Particularly, attacks transferred from LLMs exhibited a high Attack Success Rate (ASR), indicating a significant vulnerability across MLLMs due to their textual input processing capabilities. The research illuminated several crucial insights:

  • Textual jailbreak prompts that compromise LLMs are likely to be effective against MLLMs as well.
  • The effectiveness of textual jailbreak prompts appears largely independent of the accompanying image input.
  • The dual vulnerabilities posed by textual and visual inputs necessitate a multifaceted approach to aligning MLLMs with safety standards.

These findings underscore the pressing need for research focused on mitigating alignment vulnerabilities related to both text and image inputs in MLLMs.

The Implications and Future Directions

The JailBreakV-28K benchmark sheds light on the intrinsic vulnerabilities within MLLMs, particularly highlighting the transferability of jailbreak techniques from LLMs. This insight is crucial for future developments in AI safety, pointing towards the necessity for robust defense mechanisms that account for multimodal inputs. Moreover, the findings from this research are poised to guide future explorations into designing MLLMs that are resilient against a broader spectrum of adversarial attacks, thereby ensuring these models are aligned with human values and can be safely deployed in real-world applications.

In conclusion, JailBreakV-28K represents a significant step forward in understanding and addressing the vulnerabilities of MLLMs to jailbreak attacks. As MLLMs continue to evolve and find applications across diverse domains, ensuring their robustness and alignment will remain a pivotal area of research. This benchmark not only provides a critical tool for assessing model vulnerabilities but also opens avenues for ongoing advancements in the safe development and deployment of MLLMs.


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