Emergent Mind


RISC-V cores have gained a lot of popularity over the last few years. However, being quite a recent and novel technology, there is still a gap in the availability of comprehensive simulation frameworks for RISC-V that cover both the functional and extra-functional aspects. This gap hinders progress in the field, as fast yet accurate system-level simulation is crucial for Design Space Exploration (DSE). This work presents an open-source framework designed to tackle this challenge, integrating functional RISC-V simulation (achieved with GVSoC) with SystemC-AMS (used to model extra-functional aspects, in detail power storage and distribution). The combination of GVSoC and SystemC-AMS in a single simulation framework allows to perform a DSE that is dependent on the mutual impact between functional and extra-functional aspects. In our experiments, we validate the framework's effectiveness by creating a virtual prototype of a compact, battery-powered embedded system.

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