Emergent Mind

Evalverse: Unified and Accessible Library for Large Language Model Evaluation

Published Apr 1, 2024 in cs.CL and cs.AI


This paper introduces Evalverse, a novel library that streamlines the evaluation of LLMs by unifying disparate evaluation tools into a single, user-friendly framework. Evalverse enables individuals with limited knowledge of artificial intelligence to easily request LLM evaluations and receive detailed reports, facilitated by an integration with communication platforms like Slack. Thus, Evalverse serves as a powerful tool for the comprehensive assessment of LLMs, offering both researchers and practitioners a centralized and easily accessible evaluation framework. Finally, we also provide a demo video for Evalverse, showcasing its capabilities and implementation in a two-minute format.

Evalverse overview: a no-code interaction platform integrating external benchmark frameworks as submodules.


  • Evalverse serves as a central library to streamline the evaluation of LLMs, integrating diverse evaluation tools under one framework for ease of use and comprehensiveness.

  • Designed with a no-code evaluation system, specifically leveraging Slack for communication, Evalverse enables individuals with limited AI background to perform LLM evaluations.

  • The architecture of Evalverse includes six main components (Submodule, Connector, Evaluator, Compute Cluster, Database, Reporter), supporting its aim to be a unified, expandable evaluation library.

  • Evalverse aims to address the fragmented LLM evaluation landscape by offering an infrastructure that allows for easy updates, integration of new benchmarks, and improvement of evaluation efficiency.

Evalverse: A Unified Library for Streamlining the Evaluation of LLMs

Introduction to Evalverse

The computational linguistics field has witnessed remarkable transformations with the advent of LLMs, driven by rapid advancements and complex applications ranging from natural language understanding to domain-specific tasks. Despite these achievements, the decentralized nature of LLM evaluation tools has complicated thorough and comparative assessments. Addressing this challenge, Evalverse emerges as a pioneering library designed to centralize and simplify LLM evaluations for a broad audience, including individuals with limited AI background. By integrating disparate evaluation frameworks and facilitating no-code evaluations through platforms such as Slack, Evalverse offers an efficient, user-friendly approach to LLM assessment.

Evaluation Landscape and Evalverse's Niche

LLM evaluation encompasses multiple crucial aspects, including general performance, chat application functionality, Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) capabilities, and domain-specific performance. Numerous frameworks exist for evaluating these diverse facets, but the scattered landscape necessitates a comprehensive tool that unites them under a single umbrella. Evalverse fulfills this need by consolidating existing evaluation methodologies, thereby offering a unified and expandable evaluation library that addresses the fragmented state of LLM evaluation.

Architecture and Features of Evalverse

Evalverse's innovative architecture comprises six main components: Submodule, Connector, Evaluator, Compute Cluster, Database, and Reporter. This design facilitates a unified framework that not only supports no-code evaluation via communication platforms like Slack but also ensures expandability to accommodate new evaluation tools and methodologies. Key functionalities include:

  • No-code Evaluation: Offers an accessible pathway for users to initiate LLM evaluations and receive reports without coding expertise, leveraging Slack as an initial communication platform for this purpose.
  • Unified and Expandable Evaluation Library: By integrating external benchmarks as submodules, Evalverse allows for easy updates and the addition of new benchmarks, maintaining relevance with the fast-paced advancements in the LLM landscape.

Comparative Analysis and Performance

Evalverse presents a meticulous comparative analysis, demonstrating its ability to reproduce benchmark scores from original implementations with high fidelity. The framework supports evaluation across a broad spectrum of models, highlighting its versatility and comprehensive coverage. Additionally, Evalverse introduces efficiency improvements in evaluation times compared to original repositories, showcasing the benefits of its optimized architecture.

Future Perspectives and Implications

Evalverse sets a precedent for future development in LLM evaluation frameworks by offering a scalable, accessible tool that can adapt to evolving evaluation needs. Its architecture not only simplifies the evaluation process for researchers and practitioners but also opens the door to a wider audience seeking to understand and leverage LLM capabilities. The framework's ability to integrate new methodologies and benchmarks ensures its long-term relevance and potential to drive innovation in LLM evaluation practices.


Evalverse emerges as a novel solution to the challenges of evaluating LLMs by providing a unified, accessible, and expandable library that incorporates diverse evaluation tools. Its architecture promotes efficient, no-code evaluations, empowering a broader audience to engage in LLM assessments. By consolidating the fragmented landscape of LLM evaluation, Evalverse facilitates comparative assessments and accelerates the progress of research and applications in the field of computational linguistics and artificial intelligence.

Limitations and Ethics Considerations

Despite its innovative approach, Evalverse acknowledges potential challenges, such as the need for continuous updates and the reliance on community contributions. It emphasizes responsible usage, privacy, and security in LLM evaluations and advocates for ethical considerations in AI developments. Through transparency and inclusivity, Evalverse aims to foster ethical research practices within the computational linguistics community.

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