Emergent Mind


Due to the uncertainty of traffic participants' intentions, generating safe but not overly cautious behavior in interactive driving scenarios remains a formidable challenge for autonomous driving. In this paper, we address this issue by combining a deep learning-based trajectory prediction model with risk potential field-based motion planning. In order to comprehensively predict the possible future trajectories of other vehicles, we propose a target-region based trajectory prediction model(TRTP) which considers every region a vehicle may arrive in the future. After that, we construct a risk potential field at each future time step based on the prediction results of TRTP, and integrate risk value to the objective function of Model Predictive Contouring Control(MPCC). This enables the uncertainty of other vehicles to be taken into account during the planning process. Balancing between risk and progress along the reference path can achieve both driving safety and efficiency at the same time. We also demonstrate the security and effectiveness performance of our method in the CARLA simulator.

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