Emergent Mind


In this paper, we present Export3D, a one-shot 3D-aware portrait animation method that is able to control the facial expression and camera view of a given portrait image. To achieve this, we introduce a tri-plane generator that directly generates a tri-plane of 3D prior by transferring the expression parameter of 3DMM into the source image. The tri-plane is then decoded into the image of different view through a differentiable volume rendering. Existing portrait animation methods heavily rely on image warping to transfer the expression in the motion space, challenging on disentanglement of appearance and expression. In contrast, we propose a contrastive pre-training framework for appearance-free expression parameter, eliminating undesirable appearance swap when transferring a cross-identity expression. Extensive experiments show that our pre-training framework can learn the appearance-free expression representation hidden in 3DMM, and our model can generate 3D-aware expression controllable portrait image without appearance swap in the cross-identity manner.

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