Emergent Mind

Competition-Aware Decision-Making Approach for Mobile Robots in Racing Scenarios

Published Mar 31, 2024 in cs.RO and math.OC


This paper presents a game-theoretic strategy for racing, where the autonomous ego agent seeks to block a racing opponent that aims to overtake the ego agent. After a library of trajectory candidates and an associated reward matrix are constructed, the optimal trajectory in terms of maximizing the cumulative reward over the planning horizon is determined based on the level-K reasoning framework. In particular, the level of the opponent is estimated online according to its behavior over a past window and is then used to determine the trajectory for the ego agent. Taking into account that the opponent may change its level and strategy during the decision process of the ego agent, we introduce a trajectory mixing strategy that blends the level-K optimal trajectory with a fail-safe trajectory. The overall algorithm was tested and evaluated in various simulated racing scenarios, which also includes human-in-the-loop experiments. Comparative analysis against the conventional level-K framework demonstrates the superiority of our proposed approach in terms of overtake-blocking success rates.

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