Emergent Mind

Multi-hop Question Answering under Temporal Knowledge Editing

Published Mar 30, 2024 in cs.CL , cs.AI , and cs.LG


Multi-hop question answering (MQA) under knowledge editing (KE) has garnered significant attention in the era of LLMs. However, existing models for MQA under KE exhibit poor performance when dealing with questions containing explicit temporal contexts. To address this limitation, we propose a novel framework, namely TEMPoral knowLEdge augmented Multi-hop Question Answering (TEMPLE-MQA). Unlike previous methods, TEMPLE-MQA first constructs a time-aware graph (TAG) to store edit knowledge in a structured manner. Then, through our proposed inference path, structural retrieval, and joint reasoning stages, TEMPLE-MQA effectively discerns temporal contexts within the question query. Experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate that TEMPLE-MQA significantly outperforms baseline models. Additionally, we contribute a new dataset, namely TKEMQA, which serves as the inaugural benchmark tailored specifically for MQA with temporal scopes.

Temple-MQA uses LLMs to strategize inference paths for multi-hop questions, employing TAG integration.


  • The paper introduces the Temple-MQA framework designed to improve multi-hop question answering (MQA) by efficiently managing temporal knowledge edits.

  • Temple-MQA integrates a time-aware graph (TAG) that organizes knowledge edits according to their time context, aiming to enhance data retrieval and reduce errors like hallucination.

  • New components like improved retrieval processes and joint reasoning enable Temple-MQA to outperform existing models, validated through experiments on the TKeMqa dataset tailored for temporal MQA challenges.

  • Future prospects include automating TAG construction and adapting the model in real-time to newly edited knowledge, potentially applicable across various domains.

Enhancing Multi-Hop Question Answering with Temporal Knowledge Using Temple-MQA


The paper focuses on multi-hop question answering (MQA) that involves knowledge editing (KE), particularly under scenarios that require managing temporal knowledge edits efficiently. Existing methods encounter significant difficulties when handling MQA that demand awareness of temporal contexts. The proposed Temple-MQA framework refines this process through the integration of a time-aware graph (TAG), which organically handles the ripple effects of knowledge edits over time, crucially maintaining context and preventing the common LLM pitfall of hallucination.

Addressing the Limitations of Existing Approaches

The primary challenge addressed by Temple-MQA is the ineffective handling of temporal information in existing MQA models that utilize knowledge editing. The conventional dense retrieval systems used in KE do not structure information temporally, often leading to mismatched or outdated data being retrieved. This issue is amplified with questions that explicitly reference temporal contexts, where the retrieval mechanism's limitations become particularly glaring, as illustrated in various comparative experiments in the paper.

Temple-MQA Framework

Temple-MQA introduces several innovative components to tackle these issues:

  1. Time-Aware Graph (TAG): By creating a structured graph that maps knowledge edits with their respective temporal contexts, Temple-MQA ensures more precise data retrieval.
  2. Improved Retrieval Process: Includes data augmentation techniques for better entity recognition and disambiguation, alongside the use of context-dependent filters to enhance retrieval accuracy.
  3. Joint Reasoning and Inference Path Planning: Utilizes LLMs to ideate an inference path for querying the system effectively, allowing coherent, step-by-step reasoning that respects the structured nature of TAG.
  4. Evaluation and Dataset Contribution: Extensive tests on benchmark datasets validate Temple-MQA's superior performance. Furthermore, the introduction of a new dataset, TKeMqa, tailored for temporal MQA, enriches the research landscape.

Experimental Validation

Temple-MQA demonstrates significant improvements over the seven existing baseline models across different evaluative metrics. These enhancements are evident in scenarios that involve complex temporal constraints and large volumes of data edits where traditional models struggle. The newly proposed TKeMqa dataset also serves as a robust platform for testing MQA models' efficacy in handling explicit temporal knowledge.

Conclusions and Future Work

The research delineates a clear path forward for integrating structured temporal data handling within LLM-driven MQA frameworks. The introduction of the TAG component within Temple-MQA not only refines the retrieval of edited knowledge but also sets a precedent for future explorations into more context-aware AI-driven question answering systems. Future studies might explore automated optimizations of TAG construction and real-time adaptation to new knowledge edits, potentially expanding the model's applicability across various dynamically changing information domains.

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