Emergent Mind


The human brain has immense learning capabilities at extreme energy efficiencies and scale that no artificial system has been able to match. For decades, reverse engineering the brain has been one of the top priorities of science and technology research. Despite numerous efforts, conventional electronics-based methods have failed to match the scalability, energy efficiency, and self-supervised learning capabilities of the human brain. On the other hand, very recent progress in the development of new generations of photonic and electronic memristive materials, device technologies, and 3D electronic-photonic integrated circuits (3D EPIC ) promise to realize new brain-derived neuromorphic systems with comparable connectivity, density, energy-efficiency, and scalability. When combined with bio-realistic learning algorithms and architectures, it may be possible to realize an 'artificial brain' prototype with general self-learning capabilities. This paper argues the possibility of reverse-engineering the brain through architecting a prototype of a brain-derived neuromorphic computing system consisting of artificial electronic, ionic, photonic materials, devices, and circuits with dynamicity resembling the bio-plausible molecular, neuro/synaptic, neuro-circuit, and multi-structural hierarchical macro-circuits of the brain based on well-tested computational models. We further argue the importance of bio-plausible local learning algorithms applicable to the neuromorphic computing system that capture the flexible and adaptive unsupervised and self-supervised learning mechanisms central to human intelligence. Most importantly, we emphasize that the unique capabilities in brain-derived neuromorphic computing prototype systems will enable us to understand links between specific neuronal and network-level properties with system-level functioning and behavior.

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