Emergent Mind


The field of computational thinking education has grown in recent years as researchers and educators have sought to develop and assess students' computational thinking abilities. While much of the research in this area has focused on defining computational thinking, the competencies it involves and how to assess them in teaching and learning contexts, this work takes a different approach. We provide a more situated perspective on computational thinking, focusing on the types of problems that require computational thinking skills to be solved and the features that support these processes. We develop a framework for analysing existing computational thinking problems in an educational context. We conduct a comprehensive literature review to identify prototypical activities from areas where computational thinking is typically pursued in education. We identify the main components and characteristics of these activities, along with their influence on activating computational thinking competencies. The framework provides a catalogue of computational thinking skills that can be used to understand the relationship between problem features and competencies activated. This study contributes to the field of computational thinking education by offering a tool for evaluating and revising existing problems to activate specific skills and for assisting in designing new problems that target the development of particular competencies. The results of this study may be of interest to researchers and educators working in computational thinking education.

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