Emergent Mind

Risk-Aware Robotics: Tail Risk Measures in Planning, Control, and Verification

Published Mar 27, 2024 in cs.RO , cs.SY , and eess.SY


The need for a systematic approach to risk assessment has increased in recent years due to the ubiquity of autonomous systems that alter our day-to-day experiences and their need for safety, e.g., for self-driving vehicles, mobile service robots, and bipedal robots. These systems are expected to function safely in unpredictable environments and interact seamlessly with humans, whose behavior is notably challenging to forecast. We present a survey of risk-aware methodologies for autonomous systems. We adopt a contemporary risk-aware approach to mitigate rare and detrimental outcomes by advocating the use of tail risk measures, a concept borrowed from financial literature. This survey will introduce these measures and explain their relevance in the context of robotic systems for planning, control, and verification applications.

Schematic shows risk-aware bipedal robot path planning using RCBFs with CVaR risk measure.


  • The paper discusses the importance of adopting a risk-aware paradigm in robotic systems to ensure safety and reliability amidst uncertainty, emphasizing the assessment of rare catastrophic events.

  • It examines three main paradigms of risk assessment: worst-case, risk-neutral, and risk-aware, highlighting the limitations of the first two and the advantages of adopting a risk-aware approach.

  • The significance of tail risk measures, such as Value-at-Risk (VaR), Conditional-Value-at-Risk (CVaR), and Entropic-Value-at-Risk (EVaR), is explored for enhancing risk assessment in robotics.

  • The application of tail risk measures in robotics could lead to safer, more reliable autonomous systems by enabling the development of control strategies resilient to unforeseen adversities.

Risk-Aware Robotics: Tail Risk Measures in Planning, Control, and Verification

Introduction to Risk-Aware Robotics

In the evolving landscape of autonomous systems, ensuring safety and reliability amidst uncertainty has become paramount. The assessment and management of risk, therefore, play a critical role in the design and operation of robotic systems. This reiterates the necessity for systematic approaches to gauge and mitigate risk, particularly when robots are expected to function autonomously in unpredictable environments. Traditional methodologies, including worst-case and risk-neutral paradigms, have demonstrated limitations, necessitating a shift towards a more nuanced risk-aware paradigm. This paradigm not only accommodates average-case scenarios but also prioritizes the assessment of rare yet potentially catastrophic events.

Paradigms for Risk Assessment

Existing methodologies primarily align with three paradigms: worst-case, risk-neutral, and risk-aware approaches. The worst-case paradigm evaluates the system's resilience against the most severe contingency, often leading to overly conservative outcomes. Conversely, the risk-neutral paradigm considers the average likelihood of an event, potentially overlooking the significance of rare but severe incidents. The risk-aware paradigm, however, offers a balanced approach by focusing on not just the average or worst-case scenarios but also on the nuanced assessment of events lying in the tail of the risk distribution.

Significance of Tail Risk Measures

Tail risk measures, derived from financial risk assessment literature, have shown promise in broadening the scope of risk evaluation in robotics. By focusing on the extremities of the risk distribution, these measures provide insights into the occurrence and impact of rare but dangerous events. Notable tail risk measures, such as Value-at-Risk (VaR), Conditional-Value-at-Risk (CVaR), and Entropic-Value-at-Risk (EVaR), have been instrumental in this regard.

Application and Implications

The incorporation of tail risk measures into the design, control, and verification of robotic systems has significant practical and theoretical implications. From a practical standpoint, such measures enable the development of control strategies that are not only efficient in routine operations but resilient to unforeseen adversities. Theoretically, they provide a robust framework for evaluating system performance across a spectrum of scenarios, thus facilitating a more comprehensive understanding of the system's behavior.

Future Developments

The continued integration of tail risk measures into robotic systems is poised to inspire novel research directions. This includes the exploration of risk-aware algorithms that can dynamically adjust to changing environments and uncertainties. Moreover, the development of computational methods to accurately estimate tail risk measures in complex systems represents a critical area of future research.


The shift towards a risk-aware paradigm, underscored by the adoption of tail risk measures, marks a significant advancement in the field of robotics. It not only addresses the limitations of traditional risk assessment methodologies but also paves the way for the development of safer, more reliable autonomous systems. As this field continues to evolve, it is expected that risk-aware strategies will become integral to the design and operation of robotic systems, ultimately enhancing their efficiency and safety in dynamic environments.

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