Emergent Mind

TransFusion: Contrastive Learning with Transformers

Published Mar 27, 2024 in cs.LG and cs.AI


This paper proposes a novel framework, TransFusion, designed to make the process of contrastive learning more analytical and explainable. TransFusion consists of attention blocks whose softmax being replaced by ReLU, and its final block's weighted-sum operation is truncated to leave the adjacency matrix as the output. The model is trained by minimizing the Jensen-Shannon Divergence between its output and the target affinity matrix, which indicates whether each pair of samples belongs to the same or different classes. The main contribution of TransFusion lies in defining a theoretical limit for answering two fundamental questions in the field: the maximum level of data augmentation and the minimum batch size required for effective contrastive learning. Furthermore, experimental results indicate that TransFusion successfully extracts features that isolate clusters from complex real-world data, leading to improved classification accuracy in downstream tasks.

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