Emergent Mind

Theoretical Guarantees for the Subspace-Constrained Tyler's Estimator

Published Mar 27, 2024 in math.ST , stat.ML , and stat.TH


This work analyzes the subspace-constrained Tyler's estimator (STE) designed for recovering a low-dimensional subspace within a dataset that may be highly corrupted with outliers. It assumes a weak inlier-outlier model and allows the fraction of inliers to be smaller than a fraction that leads to computational hardness of the robust subspace recovery problem. It shows that in this setting, if the initialization of STE, which is an iterative algorithm, satisfies a certain condition, then STE can effectively recover the underlying subspace. It further shows that under the generalized haystack model, STE initialized by the Tyler's M-estimator (TME), can recover the subspace when the fraction of iniliers is too small for TME to handle.

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