Emergent Mind


Crafting effective topic models for brief texts, like tweets and news headlines, is essential for capturing the swift shifts in social dynamics. Traditional topic models, however, often fall short in accurately representing the semantic intricacies of short texts due to their brevity and lack of contextual data. In our study, we harness the advanced capabilities of LLMs to introduce a novel approach termed "Topic Refinement". This approach does not directly involve itself in the initial modeling of topics but focuses on improving topics after they have been mined. By employing prompt engineering, we direct LLMs to eliminate off-topic words within a given topic, ensuring that only contextually relevant words are preserved or substituted with ones that fit better semantically. This method emulates human-like scrutiny and improvement of topics, thereby elevating the semantic quality of the topics generated by various models. Our comprehensive evaluation across three unique datasets has shown that our topic refinement approach significantly enhances the semantic coherence of topics.

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