Emergent Mind


Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have achieved significant popularity, but their computational and memory intensity poses challenges for resource-constrained computing systems, particularly with the prerequisite of real-time performance. To release this burden, model compression has become an important research focus. Many approaches like quantization, pruning, early exit, and knowledge distillation have demonstrated the effect of reducing redundancy in neural networks. Upon closer examination, it becomes apparent that each approach capitalizes on its unique features to compress the neural network, and they can also exhibit complementary behavior when combined. To explore the interactions and reap the benefits from the complementary features, we propose the Chain of Compression, which works on the combinational sequence to apply these common techniques to compress the neural network. Validated on the image-based regression and classification networks across different data sets, our proposed Chain of Compression can significantly compress the computation cost by 100-1000 times with ignorable accuracy loss compared with the baseline model.

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