Emergent Mind

Residual-based Language Models are Free Boosters for Biomedical Imaging

Published Mar 26, 2024 in cs.CV , cs.CL , and cs.LG


In this study, we uncover the unexpected efficacy of residual-based LLMs as part of encoders for biomedical imaging tasks, a domain traditionally devoid of language or textual data. The approach diverges from established methodologies by utilizing a frozen transformer block, extracted from pre-trained LLMs, as an innovative encoder layer for the direct processing of visual tokens. This strategy represents a significant departure from the standard multi-modal vision-language frameworks, which typically hinge on language-driven prompts and inputs. We found that these LLMs could boost performance across a spectrum of biomedical imaging applications, including both 2D and 3D visual classification tasks, serving as plug-and-play boosters. More interestingly, as a byproduct, we found that the proposed framework achieved superior performance, setting new state-of-the-art results on extensive, standardized datasets in MedMNIST-2D and 3D. Through this work, we aim to open new avenues for employing LLMs in biomedical imaging and enriching the understanding of their potential in this specialized domain.

Framework applies language models to enhance biomedical imaging classification using Vision Transformer (ViT).


  • The study introduces using pre-trained LLMs as an encoder layer within Vision Transformer architectures for biomedical imaging, demonstrating a novel application of LLMs beyond text processing.

  • It outlines a methodology wherein a transformer block from an LLM is integrated into a vision-based encoder with additional layers for effective biomedical image analysis.

  • Empirical evaluations across various biomedical imaging tasks and datasets reveal that LLM-equipped models outperform traditional Vision Transformers, setting new benchmarks.

  • The paper discusses the potential of leveraging LLMs for enhanced biomedical imaging, suggesting future research directions and highlighting the method's novelty, performance gains, and efficiency.

Unveiling the Potential of LLMs in Biomedical Imaging

The Novel Approach

In the realm of biomedical imaging, the quest for models that can accurately interpret and classify images is ongoing. Traditional methodologies have leaned heavily on Vision Transformers (ViTs) and other AI technologies. However, challenges such as the need for vast, meticulously labeled datasets and the complexity of model optimization have remained significant hurdles. This study introduces an innovative solution: leveraging the capabilities of pre-trained LLMs as a novel encoder layer within Visual Transformer architectures for biomedical imaging tasks. This approach diverges from convention by using LLMs not for text processing but for visual data interpretation, showcasing a new avenue for the efficacy of LLMs beyond their original domain.


The core premise of this study lies in the integration of a frozen transformer block from a pre-trained LLM into a vision-based encoder architecture. This is facilitated by additional trainable linear layers for dimension alignment and a residual connection to smooth the flow of information. Such an architecture subtly embeds the nuanced capabilities of LLMs into the visual data processing pipeline, enhancing the model's ability to grasp and interpret complex biomedical images.

Empirical Evaluation

The method's effectiveness is rigorously tested across several biomedical imaging tasks, both 2D and 3D. The researchers employed a variety of datasets, such as BreastMNIST, RetinaMNIST, DermaMNIST, and others, catering to different types of biomedical imaging challenges. The results are strikingly positive, with the LLM-equipped models consistently outperforming traditional ViT frameworks. Notably, the approach sets new state-of-the-art results on widely recognized benchmarks, demonstrating the potential of LLMs as robust enhancers of biomedical image analysis.

Insights and Contributions

This investigation not only validates the hypothesis that LLMs, even when detached from their initial linguistic confines, can significantly contribute to visual tasks but also elucidates several key findings:

  • Novelty in Application: The study pioneers the use of frozen transformer blocks from LLMs as boosters in biomedical image encoders, laying groundwork for further exploration in this interdisciplinary niche.
  • Performance Gains: The approach notably surpasses existing benchmarks in biomedical image classification tasks, highlighted by strong numerical results across various datasets.
  • Flexibility and Efficiency: The method offers a plug-and-play solution that is adaptable to various data scales and types without the need for intensive computational resources or data.

Future Directions

The promising outcomes invite speculation on future developments in leveraging LLMs for specialized domains like biomedical imaging. There are several pathways for advancing this research:

  • Extending the application to broader datasets and learning tasks, possibly including tasks beyond image classification to encompass segmentation and anomaly detection.
  • Investigating the integration of LLM features that specifically exploit the unique qualities of biomedical images, such as the detailed textual descriptions found in medical reports.
  • Exploring the fine-tuning of frozen LLM blocks in a targeted manner to adapt more closely to the nuances of biomedical visual data.


The intersection of language models and visual data processing, as explored in this study, marks a significant stride in the application of AI within the biomedical field. By turning to the untapped potential of LLMs for image analysis, this research not only challenges existing paradigms but also offers a beacon for future explorations aimed at enhancing the precision and efficiency of biomedical imaging tasks.

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