Emergent Mind

AIOS: LLM Agent Operating System

Published Mar 25, 2024 in cs.OS , cs.AI , and cs.CL


The integration and deployment of LLM-based intelligent agents have been fraught with challenges that compromise their efficiency and efficacy. Among these issues are sub-optimal scheduling and resource allocation of agent requests over the LLM, the difficulties in maintaining context during interactions between agent and LLM, and the complexities inherent in integrating heterogeneous agents with different capabilities and specializations. The rapid increase of agent quantity and complexity further exacerbates these issues, often leading to bottlenecks and sub-optimal utilization of resources. Inspired by these challenges, this paper presents AIOS, an LLM agent operating system, which embeds large language model into operating systems (OS) as the brain of the OS, enabling an operating system "with soul" -- an important step towards AGI. Specifically, AIOS is designed to optimize resource allocation, facilitate context switch across agents, enable concurrent execution of agents, provide tool service for agents, and maintain access control for agents. We present the architecture of such an operating system, outline the core challenges it aims to resolve, and provide the basic design and implementation of the AIOS. Our experiments on concurrent execution of multiple agents demonstrate the reliability and efficiency of our AIOS modules. Through this, we aim to not only improve the performance and efficiency of LLM agents but also to pioneer for better development and deployment of the AIOS ecosystem in the future. The project is open-source at https://github.com/agiresearch/AIOS.

Overview of the AIOS architecture, detailing its structure and functional components.


  • The paper introduces the 'LLM Agent Operating System' (AIOS), a system designed to integrate LLMs into operating systems to improve performance and efficiency.

  • AIOS features a three-layered architecture comprising application, kernel, and hardware layers to facilitate LLM agent operation, including optimized resource allocation and concurrent execution.

  • Core AIOS functionalities include an Agent Scheduler, Context Manager, Memory and Storage Managers, Tool Manager, and Access Manager for robust, efficient, and secure LLM agent management.

  • The evaluation of AIOS demonstrates its ability to maintain output consistency across multi-agent operations and optimize resource utilization with an effective scheduling algorithm.

Integrating LLMs into Operating Systems with AIOS

Overview of AIOS

The deployment and scaling of LLM-based intelligent agents within existing operating system (OS) frameworks present significant challenges, including inefficient scheduling, complex integration of heterogeneous agents, and sub-optimal resource allocation. The "LLM Agent Operating System" (AIOS) paper presents a novel approach to embedding LLMs into operating systems to address these issues. AIOS optimizes resource allocation, enables concurrent execution of agents, facilitates context switching, and provides essential tool services for agents, thereby improving both the performance and the efficiency of LLM agents.

AIOS Architecture

AIOS is structured into three distinctive layers: application, kernel, and hardware layers, each serving a specific function in the overall system. The application layer hosts the agent applications and leverages the AIOS SDK for development. The kernel layer, consisting of OS Kernel and LLM Kernel, orchestrates the scheduling, context management, memory management, tool management, and access control functions specific to LLM operations. The hardware layer provides the fundamental computing resources but is interacted with indirectly through the system calls to ensure security and abstraction.

Core Modules and Functionalities

The heart of AIOS lies in its LLM Kernel, which harbors several crucial modules:

  • Agent Scheduler: Implements scheduling algorithms to optimize LLM utilization and balance agent request processing.
  • Context Manager: Supports intermediate generation status snapshotting and context window management, enabling paused responses to be continued.
  • Memory and Storage Managers: Provide short-term and long-term data management solutions for handling interaction logs and agent data.
  • Tool Manager: Manages a suite of external API tools that agents can call for performing specific tasks.
  • Access Manager: Enforces privacy policies and access control measures to maintain data integrity and confidentiality within the multi-agent system.

LLM System Calls and AIOS SDK

AIOS introduces LLM system calls, which serve as intermediary functions facilitating the interaction between agent requests and the execution of kernel modules. To simplify development within AIOS, an SDK is provided, encapsulating these system calls and offering a higher abstraction level for agent developers. This SDK streamlines the creation, deployment, and management of LLM-based agents.

Evaluation and Results

The paper's evaluation of AIOS focuses on the consistency of agent outputs after temporary suspension and the performance of its scheduling mechanism. Utilizing BLEU and BERT scores for consistency measurement, and employing waiting and turnaround time as metrics for scheduling performance, the results substantiate AIOS's ability to maintain output consistency across multi-agent operations and demonstrate its scheduling algorithm's effectiveness in optimizing resource utilization and reducing processing delays.

Implications and Future Directions

The introduction of AIOS pioneers an advanced platform for the integration and efficient management of LLM-based agents within OS frameworks. Beyond immediate performance improvements, AIOS opens pathways for further research, including advanced scheduling algorithms, enhancements in memory and storage architectures, and robust safety and privacy enhancements. These future directions promise to elevate the capabilities of AIOS, driving forward the development and widespread application of intelligent agents across various domains.

AIOS not only addresses existing challenges in deploying LLM agents but also sets a precedent for future research and development in the convergence of artificial intelligence and operating system design. Through its holistic architecture and modular design, AIOS facilitates the scalable, secure, and efficient deployment of LLM agents, marking a significant stride towards realizing the full potential of LLM integration within computing environments.

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