Emergent Mind

Determined Multi-Label Learning via Similarity-Based Prompt

Published Mar 25, 2024 in cs.LG


In multi-label classification, each training instance is associated with multiple class labels simultaneously. Unfortunately, collecting the fully precise class labels for each training instance is time- and labor-consuming for real-world applications. To alleviate this problem, a novel labeling setting termed \textit{Determined Multi-Label Learning} (DMLL) is proposed, aiming to effectively alleviate the labeling cost inherent in multi-label tasks. In this novel labeling setting, each training instance is associated with a \textit{determined label} (either "Yes" or "No"), which indicates whether the training instance contains the provided class label. The provided class label is randomly and uniformly selected from the whole candidate labels set. Besides, each training instance only need to be determined once, which significantly reduce the annotation cost of the labeling task for multi-label datasets. In this paper, we theoretically derive an risk-consistent estimator to learn a multi-label classifier from these determined-labeled training data. Additionally, we introduce a similarity-based prompt learning method for the first time, which minimizes the risk-consistent loss of large-scale pre-trained models to learn a supplemental prompt with richer semantic information. Extensive experimental validation underscores the efficacy of our approach, demonstrating superior performance compared to existing state-of-the-art methods.

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