Emergent Mind


Aggregate statistics play an important role in extracting meaningful insights from distributed data while preserving privacy. A growing number of application domains, such as healthcare, utilize these statistics in advancing research and improving patient care. In this work, we explore the challenge of input validation and public verifiability within privacy-preserving aggregation protocols. We address the scenario in which a party receives data from multiple sources and must verify the validity of the input and correctness of the computations over this data to third parties, such as auditors, while ensuring input data privacy. To achieve this, we propose the "VPAS" protocol, which satisfies these requirements. Our protocol utilizes homomorphic encryption for data privacy, and employs Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) and a blockchain system for input validation and public verifiability. We constructed VPAS by extending existing verifiable encryption schemes into secure protocols that enable N clients to encrypt, aggregate, and subsequently release the final result to a collector in a verifiable manner. We implemented and experimentally evaluated VPAS with regard to encryption costs, proof generation, and verification. The findings indicate that the overhead associated with verifiability in our protocol is 10x lower than that incurred by simply using conventional zkSNARKs. This enhanced efficiency makes it feasible to apply input validation with public verifiability across a wider range of applications or use cases that can tolerate moderate computational overhead associated with proof generation.

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