Emergent Mind

ReNoise: Real Image Inversion Through Iterative Noising

Published Mar 21, 2024 in cs.CV , cs.GR , cs.LG , and eess.IV


Recent advancements in text-guided diffusion models have unlocked powerful image manipulation capabilities. However, applying these methods to real images necessitates the inversion of the images into the domain of the pretrained diffusion model. Achieving faithful inversion remains a challenge, particularly for more recent models trained to generate images with a small number of denoising steps. In this work, we introduce an inversion method with a high quality-to-operation ratio, enhancing reconstruction accuracy without increasing the number of operations. Building on reversing the diffusion sampling process, our method employs an iterative renoising mechanism at each inversion sampling step. This mechanism refines the approximation of a predicted point along the forward diffusion trajectory, by iteratively applying the pretrained diffusion model, and averaging these predictions. We evaluate the performance of our ReNoise technique using various sampling algorithms and models, including recent accelerated diffusion models. Through comprehensive evaluations and comparisons, we show its effectiveness in terms of both accuracy and speed. Furthermore, we confirm that our method preserves editability by demonstrating text-driven image editing on real images.


  • ReNoise introduces a novel inversion method improving image reconstruction accuracy and operational efficiency by refining forward diffusion trajectories through iterative renoising.

  • The method outperforms traditional inversion techniques in terms of reconstruction quality and computational resource trade-offs, ideal for high-quality, accelerated diffusion models.

  • ReNoise preserves the editability of images, enhancing the capability for text-guided image editing and broadening image manipulation possibilities.

  • It provides a theoretical foundation for the iterative renoising process, showing potential for future applications in real-time editing and extending to video diffusion models.

Comprehensive Analysis of ReNoise: Real Image Inversion Through Iterative Noising


The realm of image synthesis and manipulation has been significantly advanced by the development of text-guided diffusion models. A critical challenge in applying these models for real image modification lies in the process of inverting real images into the latent domain of pretrained models. Particularly, inversion becomes more problematic for cutting-edge diffusion models designed for high-quality image generation with a reduced number of denoising steps. Introducing ReNoise, this paper presents an innovative inversion method that strikes a superior balance between reconstruction accuracy and the amount of operational overhead, termed as the quality-to-operation ratio, against the backdrop of reversing diffusion sampling processes.


ReNoise capitalizes on an iterative renoising mechanism that refines the approximation of forward diffusion trajectories. This iterative process, integrated at each inversion sampling step, leverages the pretrained model to enhance the direction from $zt$ to $z{t+1}$, ensuring more accurate reconstruction while enabling longer strides along the inversion trajectory. The methodology encompasses:

  • Iterative Renoising: An initial estimation for $z_{t+1}$ is progressively refined by applying the pretrained diffusion model several times, each iteration aiming to tighten the approximation of the predicted point along the forward diffusion trajectory.
  • Averaging Predictions: After a designated number of renoising iterations, an averaging procedure is employed to synthesize a more precise direction from $zt$ to $z{t+1}$, effectively improving the overall reconstruction accuracy.

Experimental Results and Implications

The ReNoise technique underwent rigorous testing using various models (including recent accelerated diffusion models) and sampling algorithms to demonstrate its efficacy in image reconstruction accuracy and speed:

  • Superior Reconstruction Quality: ReNoise consistently outperforms traditional inversion methods in terms of reconstruction accuracy, as verified across multiple models and samplers.
  • Enhanced Speed vs. Quality Trade-off: The technique proposes a favorable trade-off between the amount of computational operations (UNet operations) required and the quality of image reconstruction, particularly beneficial for models trained with a small number of denoising steps.
  • Preservation of Editability: Through text-driven image editing experiments on real images, ReNoise confirms its capability to preserve the editability of inverted images, enabling a broader spectrum of image manipulation applications.

Theoretical Insights

The paper explore the mechanisms underlying the iterative renoising process, presenting a theoretical foundation based on the backward Euler method and fixed-point iterations. The convergence of the iterative renoising procedure is empirically substantiated, illuminating the stability and efficacy of ReNoise in navigating the inversion landscape.

Future Directions and Limitations

While ReNoise marks a significant advancement in image inversion for diffusion models, it also opens avenues for further exploration. The method's adaptability to few-step diffusion models hints at potential applications in real-time image editing and manipulation workflows. Additionally, model-specific tuning required for edit enhancement and noise correction components signals a direction for automating hyperparameter optimization. Future work may also extend ReNoise's application to the inversion of video diffusion models, broadening the scope of generative model applications.


The introduction of ReNoise addresses a critical gap in the utilization of diffusion models for real image editing. By amalgamating iterative renoising with an averaging mechanism, it sets a new benchmark for image inversion in terms of both accuracy and efficiency. The method's broad applicability across various models and its contribution to preserving editability underline its potential to catalyze innovations in generative models for image synthesis and manipulation.

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