Emergent Mind

FIT-RAG: Black-Box RAG with Factual Information and Token Reduction

Published Mar 21, 2024 in cs.CL and cs.IR


Due to the extraordinarily large number of parameters, fine-tuning LLMs to update long-tail or out-of-date knowledge is impractical in lots of applications. To avoid fine-tuning, we can alternatively treat a LLM as a black-box (i.e., freeze the parameters of the LLM) and augment it with a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) system, namely black-box RAG. Recently, black-box RAG has achieved success in knowledge-intensive tasks and has gained much attention. Existing black-box RAG methods typically fine-tune the retriever to cater to LLMs' preferences and concatenate all the retrieved documents as the input, which suffers from two issues: (1) Ignorance of Factual Information. The LLM preferred documents may not contain the factual information for the given question, which can mislead the retriever and hurt the effectiveness of black-box RAG; (2) Waste of Tokens. Simply concatenating all the retrieved documents brings large amounts of unnecessary tokens for LLMs, which degenerates the efficiency of black-box RAG. To address these issues, this paper proposes a novel black-box RAG framework which utilizes the factual information in the retrieval and reduces the number of tokens for augmentation, dubbed FIT-RAG. FIT-RAG utilizes the factual information by constructing a bi-label document scorer. Besides, it reduces the tokens by introducing a self-knowledge recognizer and a sub-document-level token reducer. FIT-RAG achieves both superior effectiveness and efficiency, which is validated by extensive experiments across three open-domain question-answering datasets: TriviaQA, NQ and PopQA. FIT-RAG can improve the answering accuracy of Llama2-13B-Chat by 14.3\% on TriviaQA, 19.9\% on NQ and 27.5\% on PopQA, respectively. Furthermore, it can save approximately half of the tokens on average across the three datasets.

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