Emergent Mind

SoftPatch: Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with Noisy Data

Published Mar 21, 2024 in cs.CV , cs.AI , and cs.LG


Although mainstream unsupervised anomaly detection (AD) algorithms perform well in academic datasets, their performance is limited in practical application due to the ideal experimental setting of clean training data. Training with noisy data is an inevitable problem in real-world anomaly detection but is seldom discussed. This paper considers label-level noise in image sensory anomaly detection for the first time. To solve this problem, we proposed a memory-based unsupervised AD method, SoftPatch, which efficiently denoises the data at the patch level. Noise discriminators are utilized to generate outlier scores for patch-level noise elimination before coreset construction. The scores are then stored in the memory bank to soften the anomaly detection boundary. Compared with existing methods, SoftPatch maintains a strong modeling ability of normal data and alleviates the overconfidence problem in coreset. Comprehensive experiments in various noise scenes demonstrate that SoftPatch outperforms the state-of-the-art AD methods on the MVTecAD and BTAD benchmarks and is comparable to those methods under the setting without noise.

SoftPatch forms clean training sets by removing easy noise and soft-reweights to mitigate hard noise impacts.


  • Introduces SoftPatch, a novel unsupervised anomaly detection method designed for noisy data, particularly in image sensory applications.

  • Highlights the challenge of training data noise in traditional anomaly detection and how it impairs model performance in real-world settings.

  • Details SoftPatch's unique approach, including patch-level denoising and a memory bank mechanism for softening anomaly detection boundaries.

  • Demonstrates SoftPatch's superior performance on benchmark datasets and discusses its implications and potential for future research.

Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with SoftPatch: Tackling Noisy Data Challenges


Anomaly detection (AD) is a critical challenge in various domains, especially in industrial applications where detecting abnormal patterns is key to ensuring product quality. Traditional unsupervised AD algorithms have shown impressive results in academic datasets; however, their performance drastically decreases when faced with real-world noisy data. This discrepancy is mainly due to the unrealistic assumption of clean training datasets in most academic settings. To bridge this gap, we introduce SoftPatch, a novel unsupervised AD method designed specifically to address the challenge of noisy data in image sensory anomaly detection.

The Core Challenge with Noisy Data in AD

The fundamental difficulty with noisy data in anomaly detection lies in the algorithms' overreliance on the assumed cleanliness of the training dataset. In practical settings, especially in industrial environments, it is almost inevitable that the training data will contain some level of noise—be it due to inherent data variation or human error in labeling. This noise significantly affects the algorithms' ability to accurately model normal data behavior, leading to unreliable anomaly detection.

SoftPatch: A Novel Approach to Unsupervised AD

SoftPatch addresses the issue of noisy data by introducing a memory-based, unsupervised AD method that operates on a patch level to efficiently denoise the data. This approach contrasts sharply with traditional methods that work on a sample level, thereby improving the utilisation of data. The primary contributions of SoftPatch can be summarized as follows:

  • Introduction of Patch-Level Denoising: SoftPatch deploys noise discriminators to score and eliminate noise at the patch level, rather than at the image level. This granular approach allows for the retention of normal patches within noisy samples, enhancing the model's ability to accurately represent the normal dataset distribution.
  • Memory Bank with Soft Anomaly Detection Boundary: The model uses a memory bank to store the anomaly scores of patches, which softens the anomaly detection boundary by re-weighting coreset samples based on their outlier scores. This strategy effectively counteracts the model's overconfidence issue, a common pitfall in existing AD methods.

Experimental Validation and Results

Our experiments on the MVTecAD and BTAD benchmarks demonstrate SoftPatch's superior performance in various noise settings. Notably, SoftPatch not only outperforms state-of-the-art AD methods in noisy scenarios but also maintains comparable performance in clean settings. This adaptability showcases SoftPatch's robustness and its potential to cater to more practical, real-world AD applications.

Implications and Future Directions

The success of SoftPatch in tackling noisy data within unsupervised anomaly detection opens up several avenues for future research:

  • Exploration into Other Domains: While the current study focuses on image sensory anomaly detection, the principles behind SoftPatch can potentially be adapted for use in other domains where noisy data is prevalent.
  • Integration with Semi-Supervised Techniques: Investigating how SoftPatch could be used in conjunction with semi-supervised learning techniques might yield even more robust anomaly detection models, capable of leveraging limited labeled data to further refine the detection process.
  • Scalability and Efficiency Improvements: Future work could also look into optimizing SoftPatch's computational efficiency, making it more scalable for handling larger datasets commonly found in industrial applications.


SoftPatch represents a significant step forward in unsupervised anomaly detection, particularly in the context of noisy data. By addressing the limitations of existing methods and introducing a novel patch-level denoising strategy, SoftPatch not only enhances the robustness of AD models but also extends their applicability to more realistic, noisy settings. As the field of anomaly detection continues to evolve, it is anticipated that SoftPatch and its underlying principles will inspire further innovations, driving the development of more reliable and generalized AD solutions.

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