Emergent Mind

LFS-Aware Surface Reconstruction from Unoriented 3D Point Clouds

Published Mar 20, 2024 in cs.GR


We present a novel approach for generating isotropic surface triangle meshes directly from unoriented 3D point clouds, with mesh density adapting to the estimated local feature size (LFS). The popular reconstruction pipelines first reconstruct a dense mesh from the input point cloud and then apply remeshing to obtain the isotropic mesh. The sequential pipeline makes it hard to find a lower-density mesh while preserving more details. Instead, our approach reconstructs both an implicit function and an LFS-aware mesh sizing function directly from the input point cloud, which is then used to produce the final LFS-aware mesh without remeshing. We combine local curvature radius and shape diameter to estimate the LFS directly from the input point clouds. Also, we propose a new mesh solver to solve an implicit function whose zero level set delineates the surface without requiring normal orientation. The added value of our approach is generating isotropic meshes directly from 3D point clouds with an LFS-aware density, thus enabling flexible mesh quality control. Our experiments demonstrate the robustness of our method to noise, outliers, and missing data. Our method is also capable of preserving sharp features for CAD point clouds.

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