Emergent Mind


Instruction-finetuned LLMs inherit clear political leanings that have been shown to influence downstream task performance. We expand this line of research beyond the two-party system in the US and audit Llama Chat in the context of EU politics in various settings to analyze the model's political knowledge and its ability to reason in context. We adapt, i.e., further fine-tune, Llama Chat on speeches of individual euro-parties from debates in the European Parliament to reevaluate its political leaning based on the EUandI questionnaire. Llama Chat shows considerable knowledge of national parties' positions and is capable of reasoning in context. The adapted, party-specific, models are substantially re-aligned towards respective positions which we see as a starting point for using chat-based LLMs as data-driven conversational engines to assist research in political science.

Predictions of German political parties by Llama Chat based on contextualized auditing in setting C.


  • The paper explores the use of LLMs to understand and adapt to the European Union's political spectrum, focusing on Llama Chat for model auditing and adaptation.

  • Utilizes two main datasets: the EU Debates Corpus for model fine-tuning and the EUandI questionnaire for evaluating political knowledge within the EU context.

  • Findings reveal models demonstrate varying political knowledge and alignment, with a noted affinity towards left-wing and green party ideologies following contextual auditing.

  • The study highlights the potential and challenges in using LLMs for political science research, emphasizing the need for further exploration in multilingual models and chronological political stance analyses.

Investigating the European Political Spectrum through the Lens of LLMs

Contextualizing the Study

In the ever-evolving landscape of NLP, the scrutiny of LLMs extends beyond their linguistic capabilities to encompass their alignment with social and political dynamics. The paper in focus extends this examination into the complex multi-party system of the European Union (EU). It leverages LLMs, with a spotlight on Llama Chat, to dissect the model's inherent political knowledge, its reasoning capabilities within the EU political framework, and the feasibility of model adaptation to reflect specific political stances.

Dataset and Methodological Framework

The study employs two foundational datasets. First, it introduces the EU Debates Corpus, a comprehensive collection of plenary speeches from the European Parliament, spanning from 2009 to 2023. This corpus serves as the bedrock for model adaptation and auditing. Secondly, it utilizes the EUandI questionnaire, designed to match EU citizens with political parties based on issue stances before the 2019 EU elections. This dataset facilitates the evaluation of the model's political knowledge and reasoning.

The analytical journey bifurcates into two pathways:

  • Contextualized Auditing: This evaluates the model’s inherent political biases and reasoning abilities using the EUandI questionnaire.
  • Political Adaptation / Alignment: Here, the model undergoes fine-tuning with speeches from specific political groups within the European Parliament to examine the shift in its political alignment.

Core Findings

Political Knowledge and Reasoning

Through contextualized auditing, the model displayed a varied understanding of political parties’ stances, showing a stronger affiliation towards certain ideologies. Models aligned closely with left-wing and green parties, evidencing higher predictive accuracies for these groups. This differential understanding underscores the varying complexity of political ideologies and the model's intrinsic alignment with them.

Adapting Models to Political Ideologies

The model adaptation process revealed that fine-tuning on political speeches realigns the model's stance towards the respective political ideologies, albeit with nuances. While the adaptation effectively mirrored more homogeneously ideologized parties (like Greens/EFA), it encountered challenges with parties having a broader ideological spectrum (like EPP and S&D), hinting at the complexity of capturing nuanced political alignments within LLMs.

Implications and Future Pathways

The study navigates through uncharted territories of employing LLMs to understand and adapt to the multifaceted political landscapes of the EU. It sets a precedent for utilizing LLMs in political science research, offering a new lens to discern political biases and adapt models to serve as aides in political analysis. However, the journey does not end here. The pathway carved by this research beckons further exploration into multilingual models to encompass the EU's linguistic diversity and a deeper dive into chronological analyses that capture the evolution of political stances over time.

In the grand scheme, this research underscores the potent utility of LLMs in transcending mere linguistic understanding to grasp the intricate weave of political ideologies. It stands as a testament to the potential of LLMs in enriching our comprehension of the digital reflection of societal structures and propelling the dialogue on the ethical implications of AI in mirroring and adapting to our political selves.

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