Emergent Mind

Learning Novel View Synthesis from Heterogeneous Low-light Captures

Published Mar 20, 2024 in cs.CV and cs.AI


Neural radiance field has achieved fundamental success in novel view synthesis from input views with the same brightness level captured under fixed normal lighting. Unfortunately, synthesizing novel views remains to be a challenge for input views with heterogeneous brightness level captured under low-light condition. The condition is pretty common in the real world. It causes low-contrast images where details are concealed in the darkness and camera sensor noise significantly degrades the image quality. To tackle this problem, we propose to learn to decompose illumination, reflectance, and noise from input views according to that reflectance remains invariant across heterogeneous views. To cope with heterogeneous brightness and noise levels across multi-views, we learn an illumination embedding and optimize a noise map individually for each view. To allow intuitive editing of the illumination, we design an illumination adjustment module to enable either brightening or darkening of the illumination component. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that this approach enables effective intrinsic decomposition for low-light multi-view noisy images and achieves superior visual quality and numerical performance for synthesizing novel views compared to state-of-the-art methods.

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