Emergent Mind

Contextualized Messages Boost Graph Representations

Published Mar 19, 2024 in cs.LG


Graph neural networks (GNNs) have gained significant interest in recent years due to their ability to handle arbitrarily structured data represented as graphs. GNNs generally follow the message-passing scheme to locally update node feature representations. A graph readout function is then employed to create a representation for the entire graph. Several studies proposed different GNNs by modifying the aggregation and combination strategies of the message-passing framework, often inspired by heuristics. Nevertheless, several studies have begun exploring GNNs from a theoretical perspective based on the graph isomorphism problem which inherently assumes countable node feature representations. Yet, there are only a few theoretical works exploring GNNs with uncountable node feature representations. This paper presents a new perspective on the representational capabilities of GNNs across all levels - node-level, neighborhood-level, and graph-level - when the space of node feature representation is uncountable. From the results, a novel soft-isomorphic relational graph convolution network (SIR-GCN) is proposed that emphasizes non-linear and contextualized transformations of neighborhood feature representations. The mathematical relationship of SIR-GCN and three widely used GNNs is explored to highlight the contribution. Validation on synthetic datasets then demonstrates that SIR-GCN outperforms comparable models even in simple node and graph property prediction tasks.

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