Emergent Mind

EasyJailbreak: A Unified Framework for Jailbreaking Large Language Models

Published Mar 18, 2024 in cs.CL and cs.AI


Jailbreak attacks are crucial for identifying and mitigating the security vulnerabilities of LLMs. They are designed to bypass safeguards and elicit prohibited outputs. However, due to significant differences among various jailbreak methods, there is no standard implementation framework available for the community, which limits comprehensive security evaluations. This paper introduces EasyJailbreak, a unified framework simplifying the construction and evaluation of jailbreak attacks against LLMs. It builds jailbreak attacks using four components: Selector, Mutator, Constraint, and Evaluator. This modular framework enables researchers to easily construct attacks from combinations of novel and existing components. So far, EasyJailbreak supports 11 distinct jailbreak methods and facilitates the security validation of a broad spectrum of LLMs. Our validation across 10 distinct LLMs reveals a significant vulnerability, with an average breach probability of 60% under various jailbreaking attacks. Notably, even advanced models like GPT-3.5-Turbo and GPT-4 exhibit average Attack Success Rates (ASR) of 57% and 33%, respectively. We have released a wealth of resources for researchers, including a web platform, PyPI published package, screencast video, and experimental outputs.

EasyJailbreak framework stages: preparation, attack (iterative input updates, evaluation), and output (report on Attack Success Rate).


  • EasyJailbreak is a unified framework designed to exploit and evaluate vulnerabilities in LLMs through jailbreak attacks.

  • It decomposes the jailbreak process into four main components: Selector, Mutator, Constraint, and Evaluator, enabling broad security assessments.

  • Validation across 10 LLMs, including GPT-3.5-Turbo and GPT-4, showed a significant breach probability, with Attack Success Rates of 57% and 33% respectively.

  • The framework is both modular and compatible with a wide range of models, fostering collaborative research towards developing more secure LLMs.

Exploring the Vulnerability Landscape of LLMs with EasyJailbreak

Introduction to EasyJailbreak

Recent advancements in LLMs have been phenomenal, reshaping the landscape of natural language processing. However, these strides are accompanied by growing concerns over model security, especially concerning jailbreak attacks that aim to elicit prohibited outputs by circumventing model safeguards. Here, EasyJailbreak, a unified framework designed to streamline the construction and evaluation of jailbreak attacks against LLMs, is introduced to the field. EasyJailbreak decomposes the process into four main components: Selector, Mutator, Constraint, and Evaluator, allowing for comprehensive security evaluations across diverse LLMs.

Core Features of EasyJailbreak

  • Standardized Benchmarking: With support for 12 distinct jailbreak attacks, EasyJailbreak offers a standardized platform for comparing these methods under a unified framework.
  • Flexibility and Extensibility: The modular architecture encourages reusability and minimizes development effort, making it easier for researchers to contribute novel components.
  • Model Compatibility: Ranging from open-source models to closed models like GPT-4, EasyJailbreak’s integration with HuggingFace’s transformers complements its wide model support, offering substantial versatility.

Evaluation through EasyJailbreak

A substantial validation across 10 LLMs revealed a significant breach probability of around 60% on average under various jailbreak attacks. Notably, high-profile models such as GPT-3.5-Turbo and GPT-4 demonstrated Attack Success Rates (ASR) of 57% and 33% respectively, highlighting the critical security vulnerabilities present even in state-of-the-art models.

The Framework's Components

  • Selector: Key to identifying threatening instances from a pool, optimizing mutation algorithms by choosing the most promising candidate based on a selection strategy.
  • Mutator: Vital in modifying jailbreak prompts to maximize the likelihood of bypassing safeguards, contributing significantly to the iterative refinement process of the attack.
  • Constraint: Filters out ineffective instances, ensuring a focused and viable attack execution by devising criteria to eliminate poor candidates.
  • Evaluator: Assesses the success of each jailbreak attempt, crucial for determining the effectiveness of an attack and guiding the optimization process.

Practical Implications and Theoretical Insight

The revealing statistics from EasyJailbreak's evaluations draw attention to the urgent need for enhanced security measures to protect against jailbreak attacks. The framework’s modularity and compatibility features present a significant tool for ongoing and future security assessments, offering both practical and theoretical benefits. For practical applications, EasyJailbreak simplifies the process of identifying vulnerabilities, shaping the development of more secure model architectures. Theoretically, this pioneering work ignites a new area of research focused on developing standardized benchmarks for evaluating model security, offering a structured approach to a previously scattered field.

Speculations on Future Developments

The landscape of AI is ever-evolving, with newer models and more complex architectures continually emerging. As these systems become more intricate, so do the potential security threats they face. EasyJailbreak's infrastructure provides a robust foundation for adapting to these changes, potentially guiding the development of next-generation LLMs that inherently integrate more robust security measures. Furthermore, the framework’s open architecture invites community engagement, fostering a collaborative effort towards a more secure AI future.

Final Thoughts

The introduction of EasyJailbreak marks a significant milestone in the quest to secure LLMs against jailbreak attacks. Its comprehensive approach to standardizing the evaluation of such attacks positions it as an indispensable tool in the AI security domain. Moreover, by highlighting the vulnerabilities in current LLMs, it catalyzes a shift towards the development of more secure models, ensuring their safe deployment in real-world applications.

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