Emergent Mind

Language Evolution with Deep Learning

Published Mar 18, 2024 in cs.CL and cs.MA


Computational modeling plays an essential role in the study of language emergence. It aims to simulate the conditions and learning processes that could trigger the emergence of a structured language within a simulated controlled environment. Several methods have been used to investigate the origin of our language, including agent-based systems, Bayesian agents, genetic algorithms, and rule-based systems. This chapter explores another class of computational models that have recently revolutionized the field of machine learning: deep learning models. The chapter introduces the basic concepts of deep and reinforcement learning methods and summarizes their helpfulness for simulating language emergence. It also discusses the key findings, limitations, and recent attempts to build realistic simulations. This chapter targets linguists and cognitive scientists seeking an introduction to deep learning as a tool to investigate language evolution.

Machine learning process: simulate task, measure success, update program to improve future performance.


  • This paper explores the intersection of deep learning models and linguistic evolution, using computational models to simulate language emergence and change.

  • It details the use of communication games, facilitated by multi-agent systems with neural networks, to study language development.

  • A case study on the Visual Discrimination Game is presented to demonstrate how language can emerge in controlled settings through the use of deep learning.

  • The paper discusses the challenges in replicating human language features and the potential for more realistic simulations and agents to improve understanding of language evolution.

Bridging Deep Learning and Linguistic Evolution through Communication Games


Recent advancements in deep learning have opened new avenues for exploring the intricate process of language evolution. This paper presents a comprehensive examination of the intersection between deep learning models and linguistic evolution, leveraging the power of modern computational models to simulate language emergence and change. The work primarily focuses on the deployment of deep learning and reinforcement learning methodologies to create realistic simulations of language development, offering insights into how structured communication systems evolve.

Implementing Communication Games with Deep Learning

Communication games serve as a principal framework for studying language emergence, enabling the simulation of how linguistic systems develop under varying conditions. These games are formalized through multi-agent systems, where each agent is represented by a neural network. Key aspects of implementing these games include:

  • Machine Learning Problem Framing: The communication game is structured as a scenario where agents iteratively learn to communicate to fulfill tasks, optimizing their performance based on rewards.
  • Designing Communicative Agents: Agents are designed with functional modules for perception, generation, understanding, and action. These modules are parameterized using neural networks—MLPs for scalar data, CNNs for visual information, and RNNs or Transformers for sequential data.
  • Optimization Strategies: The agents are trained using supervised learning, reinforcement learning, or a mix thereof, to develop a shared communication protocol. The optimization process involves careful selection of parameters, rewards, and learning rates to encourage the emergence of effective communication systems.

Case Study: The Visual Discrimination Game

The paper explore a specific instance of a communication game, the Visual Discrimination Game, to illustrate the process of language emergence in a controlled setting. This game challenges agents to communicate about images to identify a target among several distractors. The setup involves defining the game's rules, designing neural network-based agents, and devising an optimization strategy that encourages the emergence of an interpretable communication protocol. The study further provides guidelines for parameter selection and optimization, offering a replicable framework for simulating similar language evolution scenarios.

Opportunities and Challenges in Simulating Language Evolution

Deep learning simulations offer a unique platform for investigating the conditions under which language-like properties emerge. However, the paper points out that simplistic referential tasks often fail to replicate the nuanced features of human languages, such as compositionality and efficiency. Incorporating human-inspired constraints, such as learnability, cognitive biases, and structured population dynamics, has shown promise in driving the emergence of more human-like language features in artificial communication systems.

Toward More Realistic Experiments and Agents

The paper advocates for the development of more complex and humanly plausible simulations to capture the full spectrum of linguistic phenomena. This involves creating tasks that mimic real-world language use, including conversational models and interactions with the environment. Moreover, there's a need for agents that can both speak and listen, have memory constraints, and are subjected to human-like learning pressures. The paper also highlights the necessity for linguistically informed metrics to evaluate the emergent languages qualitatively.

Conclusion and Future Directions

The study presented in this paper underscores the potential of deep learning to model language evolution, offering insights into the mechanisms driving the development of complex communication systems. Future research should focus on creating even more realistic simulations and agents, incorporating findings from linguistics and cognitive science to enrich the models. Additionally, integrating deep learning with language evolution research can inspire new approaches to developing advanced language models, potentially contributing to both fields' knowledge bases.

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