Emergent Mind


Despite the success of generating high-quality images given any text prompts by diffusion-based generative models, prior works directly generate the entire images, but cannot provide object-wise manipulation capability. To support wider real applications like professional graphic design and digital artistry, images are frequently created and manipulated in multiple layers to offer greater flexibility and control. Therefore in this paper, we propose a layer-collaborative diffusion model, named LayerDiff, specifically designed for text-guided, multi-layered, composable image synthesis. The composable image consists of a background layer, a set of foreground layers, and associated mask layers for each foreground element. To enable this, LayerDiff introduces a layer-based generation paradigm incorporating multiple layer-collaborative attention modules to capture inter-layer patterns. Specifically, an inter-layer attention module is designed to encourage information exchange and learning between layers, while a text-guided intra-layer attention module incorporates layer-specific prompts to direct the specific-content generation for each layer. A layer-specific prompt-enhanced module better captures detailed textual cues from the global prompt. Additionally, a self-mask guidance sampling strategy further unleashes the model's ability to generate multi-layered images. We also present a pipeline that integrates existing perceptual and generative models to produce a large dataset of high-quality, text-prompted, multi-layered images. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our LayerDiff model can generate high-quality multi-layered images with performance comparable to conventional whole-image generation methods. Moreover, LayerDiff enables a broader range of controllable generative applications, including layer-specific image editing and style transfer.

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