Emergent Mind

Agent3D-Zero: An Agent for Zero-shot 3D Understanding

Published Mar 18, 2024 in cs.CV


The ability to understand and reason the 3D real world is a crucial milestone towards artificial general intelligence. The current common practice is to finetune LLMs with 3D data and texts to enable 3D understanding. Despite their effectiveness, these approaches are inherently limited by the scale and diversity of the available 3D data. Alternatively, in this work, we introduce Agent3D-Zero, an innovative 3D-aware agent framework addressing the 3D scene understanding in a zero-shot manner. The essence of our approach centers on reconceptualizing the challenge of 3D scene perception as a process of understanding and synthesizing insights from multiple images, inspired by how our human beings attempt to understand 3D scenes. By consolidating this idea, we propose a novel way to make use of a Large Visual Language Model (VLM) via actively selecting and analyzing a series of viewpoints for 3D understanding. Specifically, given an input 3D scene, Agent3D-Zero first processes a bird's-eye view image with custom-designed visual prompts, then iteratively chooses the next viewpoints to observe and summarize the underlying knowledge. A distinctive advantage of Agent3D-Zero is the introduction of novel visual prompts, which significantly unleash the VLMs' ability to identify the most informative viewpoints and thus facilitate observing 3D scenes. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework in understanding diverse and previously unseen 3D environments.

Agent3D-Zero's viewpoint selection and versatile 3D reasoning using strategic prompts and tools.


  • Agent3D-Zero utilizes Vision-Language Models (VLMs) to understand 3D scenes in a zero-shot manner, bypassing the need for extensive 3D datasets or fine-tuning.

  • The framework employs a Set-of-Line Prompting (SoLP) technique, enabling VLMs to interpret spatial relationships within bird's-eye view images, facilitating effective 3D scene understanding.

  • Agent3D-Zero demonstrates superior performance across multiple benchmarks, such as 3D question answering and semantic segmentation, by actively selecting and analyzing multiple viewpoints.

Agent3D-Zero: An Agent for Zero-shot 3D Understanding


The paper "Agent3D-Zero: An Agent for Zero-shot 3D Understanding" presents a novel approach for 3D scene understanding utilizing Vision-Language Models (VLMs) in a zero-shot manner. Traditional methods often require fine-tuning LLMs with 3D data, but these methods are limited by the availability and diversity of 3D datasets. Agent3D-Zero redefines the challenge of 3D scene perception by transforming it into a process of synthesizing multiple 2D images to facilitate robust reasoning about 3D spaces. This innovative framework actively selects and analyses various viewpoints to achieve zero-shot 3D understanding without the need for extensive 3D data or fine-tuning.


Agent3D-Zero introduces a unique approach centered on leveraging a Large Visual Language Model (VLM) by actively choosing and interpreting multiple observational views for understanding 3D scenes. A central element of this methodology is the Set-of-Line Prompting (SoLP) technique, which overlays bird's-eye view images with grid lines and Cartesian coordinate systems. This enables the VLMs to comprehend the spatial relationships and dimensions within the scenes more effectively.

The framework operates in the following phases:

  1. Initialization: A bird's-eye view (BEV) image of the scene is processed with custom-designed visual prompts (SoLP).
  2. Viewpoint Selection: Utilizing the BEV image, the VLM iteratively selects strategic viewpoints to observe the 3D scene.
  3. Image Rendering: New images are rendered from the selected viewpoints.
  4. Understanding and Reasoning: The VLM analyses these images to synthesize a coherent understanding of the 3D scene, allowing for robust reasoning about spatial relationships.

Results and Performance

The paper evaluates Agent3D-Zero on several benchmarks, including the ScanQA dataset for 3D question answering and the Scannet v2 dataset for semantic segmentation. Additionally, the framework was tested on the held-in dataset from 3D-LLM to explore its capabilities in 3D-assisted dialog, task decomposition, and scene captioning.

Key performance insights include:

  • 3D Question Answering (ScanQA Dataset): Agent3D-Zero demonstrated superior performance compared to existing methods, achieving higher METEOR, ROUGE-L, and CIDEr scores. The zero-shot technique showed competitive results, highlighting the efficacy of the viewpoint selection process.
  • 3D-Assisted Dialog and Task Decomposition: The framework showed robust performance in 3D-assisted dialog and task decomposition tasks, surpassing fine-tuned models in various evaluation metrics.
  • Semantic Segmentation: Although not the primary focus, Agent3D-Zero exhibited promising results in 3D semantic segmentation by employing 2D semantic segmentation tools and back-projection techniques.

Implications and Future Directions

Agent3D-Zero marks a significant step towards the utilization of VLMs for 3D scene understanding in a zero-shot manner. This framework effectively addresses the limitations associated with acquiring and annotating large-scale 3D datasets. The introduction of SoLP enhances the VLM's ability to process and understand spatial relationships, paving the way for more nuanced and comprehensive 3D scene interpretations.

The practical implications of this research are vast, particularly in fields such as robotics, autonomous driving, and augmented reality, where real-time and accurate 3D understanding is crucial. Theoretically, this work opens new avenues for integrating 2D and 3D data, leveraging the strengths of VLMs to overcome the challenges posed by three-dimensional space.

Future developments could explore:

  • Extending the capability of Agent3D-Zero to more complex real-world environments.
  • Enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of viewpoint selection algorithms.
  • Integrating additional modalities, such as audio or haptic feedback, to further enrich the scene understanding capabilities.


Agent3D-Zero offers a compelling framework for zero-shot 3D scene understanding, leveraging the power of VLMs and innovative visual prompts. The framework's ability to perform robust 3D reasoning and perception tasks without extensive 3D data or fine-tuning marks a significant advancement in the domain of AI and computer vision. This research not only demonstrates the untapped potential of VLMs in 3D analysis but also sets the stage for the next generation of intelligent systems capable of interacting with and understanding the real world in a human-like manner.

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