Emergent Mind

Embedded Named Entity Recognition using Probing Classifiers

Published Mar 18, 2024 in cs.CL


Extracting semantic information from generated text is a useful tool for applications such as automated fact checking or retrieval augmented generation. Currently, this requires either separate models during inference, which increases computational cost, or destructive fine-tuning of the language model. Instead, we propose directly embedding information extraction capabilities into pre-trained language models using probing classifiers, enabling efficient simultaneous text generation and information extraction. For this, we introduce an approach called EMBER and show that it enables named entity recognition in decoder-only language models without fine-tuning them and while incurring minimal additional computational cost at inference time. Specifically, our experiments using GPT-2 show that EMBER maintains high token generation rates during streaming text generation, with only a negligible decrease in speed of around 1% compared to a 43.64% slowdown measured for a baseline using a separate NER model. Code and data are available at https://github.com/nicpopovic/EMBER.

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