Emergent Mind


Frustrated itinerant magnets often exhibit complex noncollinear or noncoplanar magnetic orders which support topological electronic structures. A canonical example is the anomalous quantum Hall state with a chiral spin order stabilized by electron-spin interactions on a triangular lattice. While a long-range magnetic order cannot survive thermal fluctuations in two dimensions, the chiral order which results from the breaking of a discrete Ising symmetry persists even at finite temperatures. We present a scalable ML framework to model the complex electron-mediated spin-spin interactions that stabilize the chiral magnetic domains in a triangular lattice. Large-scale dynamical simulations, enabled by the ML force-field models, are performed to investigate the coarsening of chiral domains after a thermal quench. While the chiral phase is described by a broken $Z_2$ Ising-type symmetry, we find that the characteristic size of chiral domains increases linearly with time, in stark contrast to the expected Allen-Cahn domain growth law for a non-conserved Ising order parameter field. The linear growth of the chiral domains is attributed to the orientational anisotropy of domain boundaries. Our work also demonstrates the promising potential of ML models for large-scale spin dynamics of itinerant magnets.

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