Emergent Mind


Model-based controllers using a linearized model around the system's equilibrium point is a common approach in the control of a wheeled humanoid due to their less computational load and ease of stability analysis. However, controlling a wheeled humanoid robot while it lifts an unknown object presents significant challenges, primarily due to the lack of knowledge in object dynamics. This paper presents a framework designed for predicting the new equilibrium point explicitly to control a wheeled-legged robot with unknown dynamics. We estimated the total mass and center of mass of the system from its response to initially unknown dynamics, then calculated the new equilibrium point accordingly. To avoid using additional sensors (e.g., force torque sensor) and reduce the effort of obtaining expensive real data, a data-driven approach is utilized with a novel real-to-sim adaptation. A more accurate nonlinear dynamics model, offering a closer representation of real-world physics, is injected into a rigid-body simulation for real-to-sim adaptation. The nonlinear dynamics model parameters were optimized using Particle Swarm Optimization. The efficacy of this framework was validated on a physical wheeled inverted pendulum, a simplified model of a wheeled-legged robot. The experimental results indicate that employing a more precise analytical model with optimized parameters significantly reduces the gap between simulation and reality, thus improving the efficiency of a model-based controller in controlling a wheeled robot with unknown dynamics.

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