Emergent Mind


In recent years, implicit online dense mapping methods have achieved high-quality reconstruction results, showcasing great potential in robotics, AR/VR, and digital twins applications. However, existing methods struggle with slow texture modeling which limits their real-time performance. To address these limitations, we propose a NeRF-based dense mapping method that enables faster and higher-quality reconstruction. To improve texture modeling, we introduce quasi-heterogeneous feature grids, which inherit the fast querying ability of uniform feature grids while adapting to varying levels of texture complexity. Besides, we present a gradient-aided coverage-maximizing strategy for keyframe selection that enables the selected keyframes to exhibit a closer focus on rich-textured regions and a broader scope for weak-textured areas. Experimental results demonstrate that our method surpasses existing NeRF-based approaches in texture fidelity, geometry accuracy, and time consumption. The code for our method will be available at: https://github.com/SYSU-STAR/H3-Mapping.

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