Emergent Mind

QuantumLeak: Stealing Quantum Neural Networks from Cloud-based NISQ Machines

Published Mar 16, 2024 in quant-ph , cs.CR , and cs.LG


Variational quantum circuits (VQCs) have become a powerful tool for implementing Quantum Neural Networks (QNNs), addressing a wide range of complex problems. Well-trained VQCs serve as valuable intellectual assets hosted on cloud-based Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) computers, making them susceptible to malicious VQC stealing attacks. However, traditional model extraction techniques designed for classical machine learning models encounter challenges when applied to NISQ computers due to significant noise in current devices. In this paper, we introduce QuantumLeak, an effective and accurate QNN model extraction technique from cloud-based NISQ machines. Compared to existing classical model stealing techniques, QuantumLeak improves local VQC accuracy by 4.99\%$\sim$7.35\% across diverse datasets and VQC architectures.

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