Emergent Mind


Real-world vision models in dynamic environments face rapid shifts in domain distributions, leading to decreased recognition performance. Continual test-time adaptation (CTTA) directly adjusts a pre-trained source discriminative model to these changing domains using test data. A highly effective CTTA method involves applying layer-wise adaptive learning rates, and selectively adapting pre-trained layers. However, it suffers from the poor estimation of domain shift and the inaccuracies arising from the pseudo-labels. In this work, we aim to overcome these limitations by identifying layers through the quantification of model prediction uncertainty without relying on pseudo-labels. We utilize the magnitude of gradients as a metric, calculated by backpropagating the KL divergence between the softmax output and a uniform distribution, to select layers for further adaptation. Subsequently, for the parameters exclusively belonging to these selected layers, with the remaining ones frozen, we evaluate their sensitivity in order to approximate the domain shift, followed by adjusting their learning rates accordingly. Overall, this approach leads to a more robust and stable optimization than prior approaches. We conduct extensive image classification experiments on CIFAR-10C, CIFAR-100C, and ImageNet-C and demonstrate the efficacy of our method against standard benchmarks and prior methods.

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