Emergent Mind


Mitigating hallucinations of Large Multi-modal Models(LMMs) is crucial to enhance their reliability for general-purpose assistants. This paper shows that such hallucinations of LMMs can be significantly exacerbated by preceding user-system dialogues. To precisely measure this, we first present an evaluation benchmark by extending popular multi-modal benchmark datasets with prepended hallucinatory dialogues generated by our novel Adversarial Question Generator, which can automatically generate image-related yet adversarial dialogues by adopting adversarial attacks on LMMs. On our benchmark, the zero-shot performance of state-of-the-art LMMs dropped significantly for both the VQA and Captioning tasks. Next, we further reveal this hallucination is mainly due to the prediction bias toward preceding dialogues rather than visual content. To reduce this bias, we propose Adversarial Instruction Tuning that robustly fine-tunes LMMs on augmented multi-modal instruction-following datasets with hallucinatory dialogues. Extensive experiments show that our proposed approach successfully reduces dialogue hallucination while maintaining or even improving performance.

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