Emergent Mind


Large-scale applications of Visual Place Recognition (VPR) require computationally efficient approaches. Further, a well-balanced combination of data-based and training-free approaches can decrease the required amount of training data and effort and can reduce the influence of distribution shifts between the training and application phases. This paper proposes a runtime and data-efficient hierarchical VPR pipeline that extends existing approaches and presents novel ideas. There are three main contributions: First, we propose Local Positional Graphs (LPG), a training-free and runtime-efficient approach to encode spatial context information of local image features. LPG can be combined with existing local feature detectors and descriptors and considerably improves the image-matching quality compared to existing techniques in our experiments. Second, we present Attentive Local SPED (ATLAS), an extension of our previous local features approach with an attention module that improves the feature quality while maintaining high data efficiency. The influence of the proposed modifications is evaluated in an extensive ablation study. Third, we present a hierarchical pipeline that exploits hyperdimensional computing to use the same local features as holistic HDC-descriptors for fast candidate selection and for candidate reranking. We combine all contributions in a runtime and data-efficient VPR pipeline that shows benefits over the state-of-the-art method Patch-NetVLAD on a large collection of standard place recognition datasets with 15$\%$ better performance in VPR accuracy, 54$\times$ faster feature comparison speed, and 55$\times$ less descriptor storage occupancy, making our method promising for real-world high-performance large-scale VPR in changing environments. Code will be made available with publication of this paper.

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