Emergent Mind

DSP: Dynamic Sequence Parallelism for Multi-Dimensional Transformers

Published Mar 15, 2024 in cs.DC and cs.LG


Scaling large models with long sequences across applications like language generation, video generation and multimodal tasks requires efficient sequence parallelism. However, existing sequence parallelism methods all assume a single sequence dimension and fail to adapt to multi-dimensional transformer architectures that perform attention calculations across different dimensions. This paper introduces Dynamic Sequence Parallelism (DSP), a novel approach to enable efficient sequence parallelism for multi-dimensional transformer models. The key idea is to dynamically switch the parallelism dimension according to the current computation stage, leveraging the potential characteristics of multi-dimensional attention. This dynamic dimension switching allows sequence parallelism with minimal communication overhead compared to applying traditional single-dimension parallelism to multi-dimensional models. Experiments show DSP improves end-to-end throughput by 42.0% to 216.8% over prior sequence parallelism methods.

Exploration of various sequence parallelism techniques in multi-dimensional transformers.


  • Dynamic Sequence Parallelism (DSP) is a novel method improving the efficiency of multi-dimensional transformers for long sequence processing by dynamic adjustment of parallelism dimensions.

  • DSP achieves significant improvements in throughput and communication efficiency, with end-to-end throughput enhancements between 42.0% and 216.8%, and a reduction in communication volume by at least 75%.

  • The system sports compatibility with large model sizes and long sequence lengths, supports various attention kernels, and integrates with ZeRO for reduced memory overhead.

  • Experimental validation on NVIDIA H800 GPUs showed DSP's substantial throughput improvements over conventional sequence parallelism methods, marking a potential shift in computational efficiency standards.

Dynamic Sequence Parallelism: Enhancing Multi-dimensional Transformers Efficiency


In the landscape of deep learning, especially within domains like natural language generation, video generation, and multimodal applications, managing long sequences remains a pivotal challenge. Traditional sequence parallelism techniques, developed to distribute long sequences across multiple devices efficaciously, unfortunately grapple with multi-dimensional transformers' complexity due to their inherent structure, leading to inefficacies such as high activation memory costs and slow generation speeds. This paper introduces Dynamic Sequence Parallelism (DSP), a novel method specifically designed to address these issues by efficiently scaling multi-dimensional transformers for long sequence processing.

System Design and Key Contributions

DSP's design philosophy capitalizes on dynamically adjusting the parallelism dimension to align with the current computation stage, a move that starkly contrasts with existing methods that staticize the dimension of sequence parallelism, oblivious to the computation phase. This dynamic approach not only ensures minimal communication costs but also significantly boosts the end-to-end throughput.

The key contributions of the paper are manifold:

  • Introduction of DSP to scale long sequences efficiently in multi-dimensional transformers, leveraging dynamic dimension switching.
  • Demonstrated improvements in end-to-end throughput by between 42.0\% and 216.8%, alongside a minimum communication volume reduction of 75% when compared to leading sequence parallelism methods.
  • Compatibility of DSP with large model sizes and long sequence lengths, enhanced by its support for various attention kernels and integration with ZeRO for reduced memory overhead.
  • DSP's design promotes ease of use and portability, requiring minimal code modifications for integration into existing frameworks.

Theoretical Underpinnings and Comparative Analysis

Communication and Memory Analysis

A detailed communication analysis showcases DSP's capacity to significantly trim down the number of required communication operations and the associated volume. For instance, in contrast to similar methods like Megatron-SP and DeepSpeed-Ulysses, which necessitate four and two AlltoAll operations respectively for a single transformer block, DSP necessitates a mere two, thus markedly reducing the communication volume to $2M/N$. This efficient communication strategy not only minimizes latency but also harnessed effectively, could scale dramatically well in larger cluster settings, providing a robust solution for training and inference on exceedingly long sequences.

Furthermore, the activation and parameter memory efficiencies of DSP are thoroughly dissected, revealing its superior capability in minimizing activation costs through reduced shape transformations and communication overheads. Employing ZeRO for parameter memory management, DSP aligns with the best practices in the domain, effectively managing memory consumption while maintaining scalability.

Experimental Validation

The empirical analyses, conducted over NVIDIA H800 GPUs, pit DSP against contemporary sequence parallelism counterparts across various configurations within the spatial-temporal transformer model domain. The robust improvements in throughput, notably up to 216.8\%, underscore DSP's potential to redefine efficiency standards in processing long sequences within the realm of multi-dimensional transformers.

Implications and Future Perspectives

DSP represents a significant step forward in the evolution of sequence parallelism techniques, particularly for applications involving multi-dimensional transformers. By dynamically adjusting the parallelism dimension, DSP not only enhances computational efficiency but also paves the way for tackling previously infeasible long sequence processing tasks across various domains. The methodology's portability and minimal integration overhead further bolster its appeal, potentially accelerating its adoption in both academic and industrial settings.

Looking ahead, the implications of DSP's success could be far-reaching. Future explorations might delve into tailoring DSP's dynamic parallelism approach to other model architectures or investigating its integration with emerging transformer variants. Moreover, the profound communication and memory efficiency gains herald a promising avenue for deploying more complex and larger-scale models, even on constrained hardware environments.

In conclusion, Dynamic Sequence Parallelism emerges as a potent methodology for surmounting the challenges of scaling multi-dimensional transformers for long sequences, showcasing remarkable improvements in throughput and communication efficiency. As the deep learning landscape continues to evolve, techniques like DSP will undoubtedly play a critical role in enabling the next generation of AI applications.

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