Emergent Mind


Diffusion models (DM) have achieved remarkable promise in image super-resolution (SR). However, most of them are tailored to solving non-blind inverse problems with fixed known degradation settings, limiting their adaptability to real-world applications that involve complex unknown degradations. In this work, we propose BlindDiff, a DM-based blind SR method to tackle the blind degradation settings in SISR. BlindDiff seamlessly integrates the MAP-based optimization into DMs, which constructs a joint distribution of the low-resolution (LR) observation, high-resolution (HR) data, and degradation kernels for the data and kernel priors, and solves the blind SR problem by unfolding MAP approach along with the reverse process. Unlike most DMs, BlindDiff firstly presents a modulated conditional transformer (MCFormer) that is pre-trained with noise and kernel constraints, further serving as a posterior sampler to provide both priors simultaneously. Then, we plug a simple yet effective kernel-aware gradient term between adjacent sampling iterations that guides the diffusion model to learn degradation consistency knowledge. This also enables to joint refine the degradation model as well as HR images by observing the previous denoised sample. With the MAP-based reverse diffusion process, we show that BlindDiff advocates alternate optimization for blur kernel estimation and HR image restoration in a mutual reinforcing manner. Experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets show that BlindDiff achieves the state-of-the-art performance with significant model complexity reduction compared to recent DM-based methods. Code will be available at \url{https://github.com/lifengcs/BlindDiff}

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